Folklore is before I wrapped the chicken in Laos: Chiang. Have a meal in one? The Prince had ordered Sena to tell Chiang wrapped, come in tomorrow morning, but that will have to be before I wrapped the chicken Chiang (before cock crow in the morning). If you do not have to be punished. After troops received a command, send this command to let Chiang know as soon as I wrapped. Director Chiang wrapped after receiving a command from the troops, did not feel the anxieties of nothing. Enough Chiang wrapped sunset went normally until the time lapse near light, humorous chicken saeo up Chiang from prison into miang to brood hens and one cock captures bring to tie the rope is already back up to the House, Chiang miang per. The West is new enough for Chiang, rose from the bed and wrapped a wash wash the eye normally can't find rice to eat what is hurry, regardless of whether we give a quick audience size? Fall afternoon. Northwest comply with dinner and then Chiang, miang from prison to lead the rope tying the chicken walk, according to the official, after hearing Chiang Kai sing shout chok brought fierce put chicken and wrapped me asked, "why are we going to tell that to know quick, ro. He said, ' I walk the walk before, according to Gu's back. Cry to me why testers If you tell me the gu-gu to kill me back making soup! "wrapped walk dragging a chicken, according to Chiang, the way anybody take that real sin, why travel to Chiang and wrapped chicken walk through Chiang drag wrapped until you respond to that," they are coming to speak to why todays, Chao Ti, todays cock to cock before, so to lead gu.This update brings back "to Wang, Chiang, and wrapped into your cruise with fashioned asked him whether anything that called me into the chicken a little before now, it has already made to order is followed by a summary of the chicken are coming around, I came before the chicken after you hear it, we thought wrapped in anger, but Chiang thought to an obscure command itself, however, makes this as a.
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