Although may not be good at all aspects. But can work without jamming.
.The function of each staff positions in the kitchen will be as follows:
.And told the details to the various units in the kitchen (in a big hotel. Modern currently to use the order. The computer from the service department in the kitchen.) management document ordering food fresh, dried food.Big chief cook kitchen (Head Chef or Executive Chef) under the individuals working in this position don't do อาหารเอง during meals. , such as lunch or dinner. Cook big monitoring food orders sent in.Menu (menu items). Out schedule and functions for each employee. And control the work of employees in the kitchen, the kitchen is care to operate. Go smoothly. also.Especially in the condition of shortage of hotel staffs today people come out. Department head has a good teacher and interested in coaching staff. Otherwise, oneself จะเหน็ดเหนื่อย.A throw, throw, causing the waste by right reason. Take care of the kitchen in the condition that clean, hygienic and food made out of high quality and high standard Responsibility one of the important front kitchen department include
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