Athletics history, history of athletics sport source
.Athletics is an old sport that comes along with humans. Because people do not know how to make a living, but is the main source of unknown made shelter. As well as create apparel like the current human Modern humans to fight against natural disasters.The cave, which is called "the cave" (human Cave man) and place it as the original of the sport. Without these human need to protect yourself from the beast. Sometimes, you have to run fast to escape from the beast.If the run must take in the running for a long time. Long term is running or running bear
.Running in this may include running to catch animals as food or to fight among the tribes. Sometimes while running a tree or rock in sight. If it is low, it can jump over. At present is to jump over the fence.If you want to jump over simply need to stick to the middle to stream or terms of stone. And the swinging cross to the lee side, a jumping up, using a spear or lance lance wooden long weapon is tending to kill animals.Or take great stones to throw at throw animals animals became a discus at present. The, running, jumping and PM rush. Throw, fling, parents.At present, it has the same daily, which the act is, teachers and coaches.
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