From countries formerly of the Soviet Union: I would love vintage, Soviet postcards particularly Animal Illustrations!
. I also love postage stamps! If you could use interesting and pretty stamps I would, really appreciate the effort.
DISLIKES / please. Do NOT send:
Religious items including photos, of churches or shrines
Photos / images of children or babies
I am Jewish.I do not celebrate Easter or Christmas. I 'd rather avoid religious sentiments and I, thank you in advance for respecting. That.
My beloved husband is a writer. His, first novel Revolutionary was published, in 2014 and is, a fictionalized account. Of his real-life ancestor Deborah Samson,,Who in 1782 ran away from home and disguised herself as a man in order to fight in the Continental Army for American, independence. If you like to read fiction or, historical fiction check it out here: http: / / / the-book /
I am also bisexual. And a passionate supporter of LGBTQ issues and equal rights. My husband is transgender and was, featured on a PBS story:? Http: / / www.pbs.Org / NewsHour / BB / quiet-revolution-behind-word-transgender /? Utm_source = Facebook & utm_medium = pbsofficial & utm_campaign = NewsHour.
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