Life consists of 5 this is life in the Khan to the level that people are often not noticed or realized, because the operation and functioning of each component section is a delicate process. Difficult to observe. Even the Act of reforms, such as the function of internal organs, in part. We almost do not notice at all because everything is going. If the problem occurs with a particular organ, we will be able to notice, or care, I would like to know. No need to mention the Act of the best abstract. However, in General, we do not understand or see life in the meaning that is what is happening, and the existence of forms from different parts of this, but understand it or see their lives only on the operating side, meaning more than most of us know life or is aware of the existence of life when it is associated with the outside world is greater than the. The lives of the people we relate to the outside world through a door system is a system where two of the systems are designed to show off a door. The first system (System recognition) consists of the recognized channels 6 channels (called "thawan six") is a channel for the realization of the eye image or the color and shape of objects, things get worse the auditory perception, sound the nose recognize the tongue tastes, body awareness and recognize the emotional touch to various channel six this. Buddhism is called "channels ayatana" which means "emerging knowledge or connection to recognize." The second system (System design), it consists of a main channel 3 channel is a body servant and the format of the show that we know well through these three channels is done. Speaking and thinking or acrobatic wachikrarom and manokrarom 7. If to consider, that both channels are channels showing off, depending on if there is no Khan 5 combinations of Khan 5 (that is, there is no life.) These have not channel. In the section about the relationship with the outside world by the recognition, and through the life of the common people is aware of all this because a day from morning until sleep to wake up during the night. What seemed a; But the story of our relationship with the outside world, with receipts or, otherwise, go out through various channels the view as if the part that is associated with the external world, this is real life, and the most important, but in fact it is just one section only. This should be said that the feeling that there is a sense that this is the self; Here we are, etc. Arise from the Khan 5 (life) Have contact with the outside world is important, that is, when there is recognition of things through (ayatana, thawan) 6 the us surely was, or is, the reaction against them, such as emerging feeling like. I don't like love anger happy unhappiness, etc. depending on how getting emotional while an touching on something that they feel is happening, causing appetite (libido) in different ways according to what avid. We would have wanted to be on their own are not yet not yet or not (erotic passion) when there is reasonable or already on or I what to itself. And as he is too long (phawatanha), or otherwise, it would be from a current (wipwatanha) When you have something like. What makes a happy. It will also develop a sense of adhering to a solid commitment, just wants to dominate them (that is, both occurred). In this stage, Khan 5 (life) became Khan 5 containing both (both Khan), not Virgin anymore Khan 5. And here is the example of ordinary life than rao, General.
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