Phu Thap boek Phu Thap boek name mentioned when many people must think of mountain vineyards, cabbage, which is the cultivation of a large Hmong tribal people of Thailand with their locations that are located on the highest point of the phetchabun province. Make this perfect for travel because it has a cool air all year round. Observatory tent can sleep at night. There are also other attractions such as the fascinating research station trials slash conversion, Kasetsart University picked phetchabun. Winter planting demo source and Wat PA Phu Thap boek, which is bodhipakkhiyādhammā Phra Maha Chedi. Diamond elite 37 pagoda relic of the Lord Buddha relics, Arhat and the tourist joint worship and one highlight is during the months of December-January to Tiger Hill flowers pink blooming across the mountains, beautiful photography.
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