1.The first thing to note is that the machine installation Ink Tank Printer will, I guarantee. But some of the stores that sell printer on the tank will guarantee the machine to you, you should choose to buy with reliable pharmacies.2. The ink filling. You should make sure that the store will use ink that meets the Spec of the print head for each brand and model. Even if it is the same brand, it may not be able to use together
3.This should be set up with experienced technicians, skilled, reliable installation, ink tank, no form of walking, which, of course, or standard. Based on the idea of walking system is pure. Is competent to wiring neat
4.Installation of drain pipe or tube connected the waste ink outside the machine. In order to prevent ink part does not use sponge as the mop water flooding Waste ink full or spotted outside the outside the machine 5
.The price the print head is comparable to buying a new machine, due to an important component of the machine is the print head. (cartridges)
6.The installation Tank is a good method. If installed properly and users use the correct and practical. On the advice of the provider. Will help you to savings. The factors Tank installation.
7. Installation Tank can help you to the real economy. If you understand the working principle of the machine and the Printer Tank Tank is a continuous ink supply and ink jet print head
8.The symptoms may be caused by the print head is broken, as follows:
- print head shot, because the power cut or the tea fire print head dropped Oily ink flow at the circuit board for a long time
- print head clogging caused by refilling ink wrong version or wrong specification
.* * * the installation wiring ink badly, adjusting the air pressure in the Tank imbalance resulted in the work of Tank wrong should be solved before use. When used to open small cork stopper. But if the ink to open big cork stopper small
9.Before every use should check the printer in all aspects,
10.Moving air Printer every time must be closed hole air Tank every channel before and use the clip หนีบกระดาษ escape pipe line ink before the move to Prevent the air pressure in the Tank to make ink oozing on the print head, pressure.Change and don't forget to open the aperture air before every use should operate at least once a week 2-3
how to use your printer is installed Tank
facts about the installation Ink Tank suggestion and I all should know about the use of machines. Printer installed Tank
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