Life cycle of a typical flowering plant consists of various styles are as follows: 1. have a life cycle, there are two versions of the switch are the temporary switch. During the 1980s, spot version of evil has two chromosome roll set (2n) and the evil Grand Master of the 1980s version, there is one set of chromosome (1n) 2. a plant that the two are not the same. 2.1 spot rose a 1980s plants exist independently, we see in General, such as the peanut, corn, tomato and the spot rose 1980s premature (spore) for reproduction. 2.2 Grand Master with the 1980s is not a plant that exists independently, but the plant is bien or residents of loranthus. In the 1980s, that is, the Grand Hotel has a spot of 1980s male or pollen that are sprouting, and/or Grand Master of the 1980s with a female embryo sacs. Grand Master of the 1980s, this has both types of reproductive cells created with the reproductive functions, such as the Grand Master has seen that the 1980s are in bloom especially in gaysorn male and female. Grand Master of the 1980s are so much smaller. This is in fact the Kingdom of plants that were flowering plant's Grand Master of the 1980s, smaller. There are smaller than the plant's different sports as well as other types of plants with naked seeds. This is part of the 1980s, the gap is not familiar in our daily lives. 3. in the majority of flowering plant life cycle. The evil version of two sets of chromosome is overpowering the evil version of chromosome set only, as we saw so clearly lettuce or rice. We call this life machine that wat diplontic as opposed to their algae with evil versions of one chromosome (algae that we see) preferably wat this is referred to as haplontic life machine.
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