Basic knowledge about the planning and strategic planning.The plan is an important management tool of all types of organisation that can help the Organization continue to walk in the right direction with the efficient use of resources and results. The planning process is delicate and must be done before any other activities/duties performed in the future. First, it is the responsibility of the planning in the administrative process (Management Process), which consists of 4 page Act sequentially together to include planning (Planning), organizing (Organizing) to lead (Leading) and control (Controlling).The meaning of the planPlanning (Planning), meaning "to prepare to do something or many things in the future." The plan consists of two main parts, the activity that follows.1. define objectives or targets.2. define the action (Course of Actions), or to various schemes that will lead to.So, along with the objective or goal.Characteristics of a good map.The map should look like this:1. the objective is clear-cut and easy to understand.2. flexible.3. the practical4. implementation is ongoing and has been updated in accordance with the environment.Is always present.The question for planning.Planning a basic answers with 5W and 1H as follows:Why-why this plan up. What-what you do. Where-where? -Start and finish When when? Who-by whom and with what audiences do. How-do? The type of plan.Maps prepared in the WTO can be separated into several categories according to criteria such as classified according to the criterion, management level in the organization is divided into strategic plans, strategies and plans implemented.1. it strategic plan Strategic plan (Strategic Plan) strategic plan, plan, plan, or some enterprises called the direction is established in order to achieve the strategy. Strategic planning is a phaenkwang that provides guidelines for decisions on resource allocation basis and steps to perform activities that are essential to strategic goals. Strategic plan defined by the senior management of the Organization.2. plan tactics. The planned tactics (Tactical Plan). Prepared to be able to achieve the goal by the tactics of some strategic plan to execute the strategies defined by the senior and middle levels. When compared to the strategic plan, and then plan to use shorter time tactics. There are specific and tangible than. This type of plan is associated with the action that is actually more than just deciding what to do.3. the planned operation. แผนดำเนินงาน(Operational Plan) เป็นแผนที่ให้ความสำคัญกับการนำแผนกลยุทธ์และแผนกลวิธีไปใช้สำหรับการดำเนินงาน แผนประเภทนี้กำหนดโดยผู้บริหารระดับกลางและระดับต้น แผนดำเนินงานเกี่ยวข้องกับการดำเนินงานในระยะสั้นและมีกรอบการดำเนินงานที่แคบกว่าแผนประเภทอื่นๆ แผนดำเนินงานเป็นแผนซึ่งกำหนดรายละเอียดของงานไว้อย่างชัดเจน แผนนี้อาจอยู่ในรูปแผนปฏิบัติงาน(Action Plan) ซึ่งจะกำหนดรายละเอียดกิจกรรมที่จะทำในแต่ละช่วงเวลา มีการกำหนดผู้รับผิดชอบ และงบประมาณที่ต้องการใช้ ทั้งนี้เพื่อให้การจัดสรรทรัพยากรมีประสิทธิภาพสูงสุด แผนดำเนินงานสามารถแบ่งย่อยออกได้ 2 ประเภท คือ (1) แผนถาวร และ(2) แผนที่ใช้เฉพาะคราว1. fixed) plan (Plan Standing) refers to a plan, which is set up for a situation where the organization is experiencing on a regular basis. Sucralose can be used continuously and repeating as long, it has no defined age. This type of plan will help save time in planning and decision making of the Executive. This type of plan, however, may be less useful when events change. Map the static plan include:(1) policy (Policies) as a general guideline for the policy decided by the scope of the decision, including defining what actions and what not.(2) how it works (Procedures) as a policy that describes the work that is more detailed. How it works is configuration details about the stages of the action, which happened regularly or as normal.(3) rules (Rules) are the words that identify specific actions down to what should be done or not done in a particular situation. 2.) Single-use Plan means a plan for action that might not happen again in the same manner in the future. A plan of this type include:-Programs a map covering the same activity group is large. The program shows the main steps to be taken to achieve the objectives of the Organization, the United Nations or member units responsible for each step, as well as to define the hierarchy and the time spent in each stage.-Projects are part of the program, and a separate map. The sub plan is specific details in each section of the program.-Budgets planned financial resources that are specific to a certain period of time.
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