From the Eastern bus terminal (ekamai) There is a bus service to Chonburi every day from 5.30-21.00 hrs 40 minutes off Tel. 0 2391-9829. -Bus service between 5.00 2 floor – 21.00 Am every 30 minutes, Tel. 0 2391-2504 (1961)
From the Eastern Bus Terminal (Ekamai) is air-conditioned buses daily from 5:30 to 21:00 pm to Chon Buri. Buses leave every 40 minutes. Tel: 0 2391-9829 - Bus service between the hours of 5:00 to 21:00 pm 2nd floor. every 30 minutes. Tel: 0 2391 to 2504.
From the eastern bus terminal (identical) buses to the city every day from the time 5.30 -21.00 PM departure every 40 minutes. 0 2391-9829 -. I 2 air-conditioned bus service between 5.00 - 21.00 pm every 30 minutes. 0 2391 - 2504.