Location, the Netherlands is a small country, with an area of approximately, 41000 square kilometers, is located in the West Netherland map Netherland map of Europe. The terrain is flat area. Only in the southeast of the country, only with the hill.Whether it is a lake, river or canal
.The East, adjacent to the south, adjacent to the Belgium Germany
north and West, adjacent to the North Sea (North Sea)
the Netherlands with the cool weather throughout the year, the average temperature 18.3 C, maximum temperature 2.6 degrees Celsius. Average annual rainfall Russell 797 mm
spring (C - GC) a flower, the air around 12-20 degrees, the air is unstable, especially in April, may be hot or cold set Even the snow may fall during this period as well. For the people is also considered the cool air.If the rain as well
.Summer (July - September) time when the weather is warm with approximately 20-30 degrees. The tourists from Europe density. Since it is summer vacation of European
autumn (September - B.) the cool air around 5-15 degrees. The leaves start to change colour. The atmosphere suitable for tourism in the winter (November.
-.C) recently the weather is about minus 10 - 5 degrees. Recently some tourist tourism is open or short sat down some closed.
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