To resolve the conflict with a cross cultural mediation or negotiation with other people who have different culture with us. It is necessary to understand a different culture to contribute to achieving the goal of resolving the conflicts together. Bonding, or choose to use only a single culture in the dialogue entitled compared to squeeze the neck with talking to other person accepts the other person. However, understanding the cultural stereotype by that person in the same culture as a matter of national pride might lead to the conclusion that the errors as well as Thai people believe that everyone has respect for elders or senior systems may not be correct, there may be some Thai people believe in knowledge matters. Senior system capabilities, etc. Therefore, understanding the cultural dimensions of national culture in the overview or alone, it may not be enough to resolve the conflict. Sometimes it is difficult to determine whether a variable cultural (Cultural Variables) with variable human individuals (Personality Variables) affect more than conflict resolution. Some parties believe that the needs of each person is important. To find out the real needs of each person has had enough. And concluded that consideration of national culture, but it is not sufficient to understand and manage the problem, and there may be a less important person variables depending on each individuals it is. As Zartman (2009) Professor, specialist in conflict management, York University John. Hop kin indicated that it is difficult to find the culture of each nation. The talks are not supposed to adhere to national cultures, though more negotiations are coming from the same country, as each person is different, they have their own experience of family, career, religion, faith, a different system. Finding may lead to national cultural clout of stereotype or cause misunderstanding, and does not fix the problem. To learn the culture of a group of people. This does not mean that the members of the Group would be like that, so it must be careful to not cause prejudice. This article contains a summary at the end that cross cultural negotiation. Need to understand the culture or the culture of the nation that we are negotiating with a large range of styles to tell the people in the nation. But it must not be forgotten that, in most cultures, there are many sub culture, and so it is understandable that mistakes or incorrect stereotype. It's important to understand and find out the real needs of the people, he said, there is nothing to negotiate. The combination of these two approaches together in cross cultural negotiation may be compared with the salt water and fresh water to brackish water laeoklai rivers where fish can grow as well.
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