Sustainable Supply Chain or Supply Chain Sustainability, both words have the same meaning as "the most sustainable supply chain, sustainability, or" Sustain "the context is that" a company or organization to administer the supply chain, both upstream and downstream water rather than yield to the only Financial Return ... the company or organization, regardless of the impact on society and the environment (Environment and Social impacts) with all the sustainability of a company or organization and sustainability towards humanity, or for future generations. " By managing the supply chain, the most important thing to focus on.• Sourcing and Replacement materials or resources on businesses that do not affect society and the environment,• Selecting a source route, friendly nature and surrounding communities,• To select the format and work logistics and the transport format that save energy or use alternative energy,• Development of products and services and "Green&Clean" are not greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, many conditions can affect Global Climate Change (global warming.
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