A toast steak scopeA toast steak Copeland (Stethoscope) is to help doctors to listen to the sound from the inside of the body. Most of the use of sound from the lung, and the pulse of the heart. In addition, it also used to listen to the sound from the intestines and blood flow in both arteries and veins.Tet Santos cope was invented in France in the year the first electrical 1816 by those who invented and created named Mr. Rene Sea snake is a doctor at the hospital Necker-Enfants Malades in Paris, which features a wooden pipe, shape and similar instruments. Named trumpet is present, a toast steak is the important equipment in the scope of the doctor. We often see the doctor, many with examines the patient treatment many hanging unit Copeland, adjacent to a steak toast neck almost constantly at work, a toast steak scope has many types. Divided into, acoustic and electronic unit containing the 3 steak Santos Copeland parts, as follows.1. The diaphragm is attached to the body part patients. To receive sound occurring in the body. Which sounds to make the diaphragm vibration.2. Waveguide sound. Is part of a hose voice leading forward to headphones.3. Headset is part attached to the ears of the doctors. To listen to the sound from the diaphragm.
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