Is known at present, information technology has a role to perform the daily life of human beings in all aspects will be part of the lives of human beings to think and every day technology has been developed to progress more efficiently, the more non-stop ยั้?D technology allows the convenience of humans in many ways. Whether it is a communication. Transportation Making human contact to each other across continents by the minute. There is also a medical education, etc., but at the same time, the technology could pose a large penalty if a human put it to use, misuse, such as identity theft, smuggling, Bank, or changes to the information of the hospital. The creation of nuclear bombs and missiles of various things cause these serious penalty. Causing loss of life and property, as well as a large number of the problems that were encountered. Therefore, you will see that it is still relevant, in relation to the life of the human person, as long as we still have to depend on technology, but the effect on humans is the human birth will much better depends on who is doing the thinking of human invention and applied technology themselves.
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