• Year built: built in the early 14th century, 16. • The reign: the reign of God, rachen thonwon it 2 and God victory 5 wonman. • Art: art is a record or prediction. • Religion: Hindu schools and ไศว (worship of Shiva). • According to the inscriptions at the Castle, Bandar Sri said the prediction is in the Castle since 1510 by yat yawaraha which is a Brahmin scholars. When God rachen thonwon it 2 passed The victory of God, which was the fifth son wonman thus the throne instead, because God is the Lord of triumph five young wonman is. Yawaraha yat brahministic has served as both Regent and a teacher to finish 5th Lord wonman. yat brahministic yawaraha has told to ask one of the land Lord Chai wonman 5. castles, to worship Shiva and is gathering.Of the people, and it is worth noting that the God created land, Castle, with the castle of the Secretary of State or high officials to the base of the castle in which God creates the Earth on a high shelf or base built on a hill like Angkor Wat prang section chief must be located in the base of the upper class or the Castle created khaeng Phnom Ba, on the Hill. For saving the prediction or Castle. The author is the great master to build castles on the hills the soil may result in a type of raised floors to accommodate the castle only.
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