Saraburi is located in the central region of the country, Thai. By the coordinates 31° 14 ' N and 100° 54.43.59 ' 35.58 E. The total area is 576.486 km2, covering an area of 3 13, 111, (Saraburi Office, 2013).
Saraburi Province in central Thailand, with coordinates 14 ° 31'43.59 "N and 100 ° 54'35.58" E. With an area of 3,576.486 km2, covering 13 districts, 111 district (Office Saraburi, 2013).
Saraburi province in central Thailand by the coordinates 14 ° 31 '43.59 "and N 100 ° 54' 35.58" E area, total 3 576.486 km2. The district covers an area of 13 111 district (Office, Saraburi 2013).