Each Tower has a height 162.Each Tower has a height 162.Taj Mahal The length, breadth, 100 meters high and 60 meters in the building design with 20,5 feet inside the building marble hall the largest dome under a giant stand the body made of marble corner of Architeuthis Shah, jacuzzi, and a place to be married, but his body was actually found in a coffin, notas well as a beauty salon. More than the head of the Taj Mahal has a smooth dome dome that is called.The construction of 000 to eat for long periods up to 22 years old Taj with a space of approximately 42 acres is located in the Tower of the mosque, and San Marino (Tower เเจ้ง cried for hours, H) and with all other Mr. construction design, name, and the Tad
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