a fresh resolve the pain and the abscess cure dermatophytosis medications and pharmaceutical blister liver spots so nails break
dry leaves. Fix wound inflammation. Abscess pus Although rotten wounds. Treatment of chronic wound inflammation and swelling of the nose that solve the fresh amount
the shingles blisters cure fresh.Fresh roasted root water swelling darts to solve the wound is dried seeds or friendship glass splinter
. Fix menstruation not come monthly driving
-help and solve any pain. Using a combination of fresh drinking water to boil the alcohol
. -A medicinal treatment of dermatophytosis liver spots Use a 1 pound roasted, a handful of fresh water and the area is frequently painted until it disappeared
- Fix abscess and blister Use a fresh, clean leaves 5-10 pound, brought the wraps are wound. 3 times a day until gone
-A medicinal nail together 1 handful fresh popular removable clear, clean fill, sand, sugar, roasted, red, 1/2 teaspoon. Nail wraps directly change the drug (morning-evening)
-fix wound inflammation. Abscess pus Although you can use dried leaf rot wounds 10-15 g boiled with water to drink this morning-evening
. -Chronic wound healing Use a dry powder grinding compound bandage put on a mango
.- Resolve inflammation and swelling of the nose red. Use the fresh roasted with sugar and Red phokboriwen that is changing (morning-evening)
-cure shingles blisters. Use fresh-squeezed position remove water remove the poultice wastes wound
. -Solve the swelling water. Use fresh root 4-5 roots boiled with meat eating 3-4 times
. -Fix monthly the monthly ride. Use the dry seed of white flower type House candle 60 grams powder combined with crushed cracker Kui 10 grams of honey mixed with sculpture as tablets take 3 grams per day, after meals 3 times
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