Turbine turbine development victory to waste water treatment by means of additional air. Patent for the King's signature to make public water source development
.Works by spin spinning to fill the air, polluted water has become the gallbladder can be applied to waste water from public supply. Waste water from industrial plants, as well as adding oxygen to the pond aquaculture agriculture
.Turbine 850 component is more mechanical development of triumph at the water surface, rotate slowly the floating buoys (drifting down as water level)
.The song consists of a propeller with baler design envelope draw water six trapezoid envelopes each song is divided into 3 rooms, all equally installed on a steel frame in a 12 side 2
.There is the Centre of the turbine, called "turbine shaft," which place the doll on the support shaft installed on buoys, floating, and steering gear transmission systems, a large dish. Using an electric motor, size 2 horsepower for a song-driven water. On a steel frame that is based on two aspects of mine action.
The bottom of the turbine in the drowned anchored to the ends of the foil with a floating buoy hydro below
.It works on 850 mechanical theory more generally fill the air or oxygen as a waste water treatment system of the heart, because if there is oxygen, microorganisms, water treatment and waste water treatment. For oxygen solubility water must be added to discover areas between the air with water, as much as possible
Victory turbine developed a turbine with a floating buoy structure on a square shape and has a song which is featured in his lap, pore water, we saw water to gush from the song while they were spinning turbine baler over
.Based on the above, satkrachai baler FOI in the air. The water is exposed to the air, the oxygen in the air can melt blended into the water quickly. Every time water was lap. Because there is more space in the original reaction. Waste water, which is the problem of water resources in many areas. Better-quality
To add oxygen to the water will help degrade microbial impurities in waste water efficiently. Who is the biological process that is used in the treatment of wastewater is very popular because it is an effective method. And waste water sources that are distributed according to the various sources, making it difficult to collect the waste water treatment plant for waste water treatment in and charge up
Applications can be used to fill the air with water or use it to propel water. By using both in a format that is installed with and used in mobile format to fill the air with a large water source. Which was adapted by using energy from a turbine engine
Beginning of victory development, turbine turbine 850 won to develop. In order to solve water pollution which severity in many areas
.The evolution of turbine development is victory. The prototype has, for the first time in a year and also installed 2532 (1989) space try to solve the problem at the same time
.This is. His Majesty has initiative, Foundation for research and development carried out through development of turbine components and structures which, in part, as the issue is resolved. Since prototype is
.In the structural development of the turbine rotation speed 1,450 rounds per minute. The song draw water rotates with a speed 5 RPM drive with 2 size motor horsepower and up-to-date. Structures in various formats, such as designing a machine to be driven by someone to use in water. Etc
Performance can dump water into oxygen, 0.9 kg per horsepower-hour development, oxygen transfer is 1.2 kg per horsepower-hour
.Patent invention turbine 850 won to develop Received a patent from the Department of intellectual property, to Feb. 2.2536 (1993) after victory Foundation Secretary-General, development which is the primary response agency initiative. In the development of water turbines have been Royal, Royal is thanop tea breaks to patent application to Jun. 2.2535 (1992), it is considered to be a patent for the King's signature of the King he was the first Thai and world-first of each year and Feb. 2 is considered as "inventors days" since then
.In addition, "victory turbine development" was also awarded the gold medal from The Belgian Chamber of innovation and enterprise, the Inventor of Belgium. Within the "Brussels Eureka 2000", which is a new invention fair of the world of science based.
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