In business, whether it be a business major. The confidence of entrepreneurs and operational direction to achieve the objective and goals. Focus on those who are interested to become entrepreneurs and people who are interested to do retail business or family have an opportunity to study the industry, understand the nature of the business plan and prepare before doing business, and as a guide to effective business plans. Therefore, in order to provide interested parties with knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of a good business plan, it is important to make the retail businesses or entrepreneurs. You will need to first, which it would be beneficial to the future operation of the management as well as benefit financial institutions and external investors that will be given to funding sources for future ventures.Analysis of the competitive situation in target markets. When data is collected and summarized, and then the next thing you will need to show operators in other markets is planned, the State of competition in the market. This is the reason that must be analyzed, because the operators failed to position the products comply with the price. Distribution channels that are suitable for small retail business that we will continue. For detailed analysis, credible results, the most accurate.1. the mass market is considered as a market with many buyers as possible. Most of the time, they are items that require mass production. Because of the mass market is a market with a large target group. This number will result in causing a wastage due to small size of retail entrepreneurs can negotiate prices with delivery. The cost of goods sold decreased and can also reduce the price of goods is lower than competitors. If you choose the leads in this market. Select to position the products should be sold in parcels from. The packaging should be simple, not necessarily very reliable in-store sales with the condition need to be low cost. Purchase can be made easily, and enough with the needs of the market, such as canned chili sauce, beverages, health, etc.2. the local market is a market with local buyers. They are suitable for some local products only. Because the local market is a market with a small target groups. Producing less because the item is a product that is appropriate to the specific customer only, such as a local product that is made from pig meat may fit with local Chinese residents, but not suitable for the Muslim community, etc. make purchasing simple and adequate with the needs of the market, such as canned chili sauce, beverages, health, etc.3. specific market refers to the market in which the goods and services market is not just a size large enough, but this market buyers purchase more than enough power and are ready to pay for expensive. Items such as cars, watches, steel, logistics, etc. ben.
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