Kuei and Madu (2003) define Six Sigma as:
Six Sigma quality = meeting the very specific goal provided by the 6σ metric and
Management = enhancing process capabilities for Six Sigma quality.
The DMAIC methodology follows the phases: define, measure, analyze, improve and control. (Antony & Banuelas, 2002). Although PDCA could be used for process improvement, to give a new thrust Six Sigma was introduced with a modified model i.e. DMAIC.
The methodology is revealed phase wise (Fig. 1) which is depicted in A, B, C, D and E and is implemented for this project.
A. Define Phase
Development of a Project Charter
This phase determines the objectives & the scope of the project, collect information on the process and the customers, and specify the deliverables to customers (internal & external).
Kuei and Madu (2003) define Six Sigma as:Six Sigma quality = meeting the very specific goal provided by the 6σ metric andManagement = enhancing process capabilities for Six Sigma quality.II. THE DMAIC SIX SIGMA METHODOLOGYThe DMAIC methodology follows the phases: define, measure, analyze, improve and control. (Antony & Banuelas, 2002). Although PDCA could be used for process improvement, to give a new thrust Six Sigma was introduced with a modified model i.e. DMAIC.The methodology is revealed phase wise (Fig. 1) which is depicted in A, B, C, D and E and is implemented for this project.A. Define PhaseDevelopment of a Project CharterThis phase determines the objectives & the scope of the project, collect information on the process and the customers, and specify the deliverables to customers (internal & external).
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
Kuei and Madu (in 2003) define Six Sigma as:
Six Sigma quality = Meeting the Goal provided by the very specific and METRIC 6σ
Management capabilities for Six Sigma Process = enhancing quality.
The DMAIC methodology follows the phases: define, measure, Analyze, improve and Control. (Antony & Banuelas, 2002). Although PDCA could be used for Process Improvement, to give a New thrust Six Sigma was introduced with a Modified Model IE DMAIC.
The methodology is revealed phase Wise (Fig. 1) which is depicted in A, B, C, D and E and. is implemented for this Project.
A. Define Phase
Development of a Project Charter
This phase Determines the objectives of the Project & the scope, Collect information on the Process and the customers, and Specify the deliverables to customers (internal & external).
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
Kuei and Madu (2003) define Six Sigma as:Six Sigma quality = meeting the very specific goal provided by the 6 σ metric and.Management = enhancing process capabilities for Six Sigma quality.II. THE DMAIC SIX SIGMA METHODOLOGY.The DMAIC methodology follows the phases:,,, define Measure Analyze Improve and control. (Antony, & Banuelas 2002). Although. PDCA could be used for process improvement to give, a new thrust Six Sigma was introduced with a modified model i.e. DMAIC.The methodology is revealed phase wise (Fig. 1) which is depicted in A B C D and,,, E and is implemented for this project.A. Define Phase.Development of a Project Charter.This phase determines the objectives & the scope of the project collect information, on the process and, the customers. And specify the deliverables to customers (internal & external).
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..