Brussels (English: Brussels), Boru SAL (France: Bruxelles) or borue Castle (Dutch: Brussel; German: Brüssel) The official called the capital city Brussels, or Israeli slap ratsen [4] [5] (Région de France: Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest, Dutch: Bruxelles-Capitale) is the capital city of the country, and Belgium as the Center or the unofficial capital city of the European Union (EU) slapped ratsen administratively divided.A number of municipalities, including the 19 BA plan Anniversary Festival (City of Brussels), which is the heart of a territory, and only the 32.61 km2 of the county capital, which eat much wider area (161 sq. km). Moreover, Brussels is also home to a community of France and flam community [6] The municipal district has a population of approximately ratsen anniversary plan BA 140,000 people, but it has a population of Brussels Capital District includes almost 2 million people.Belgium is a country with a population of Dutch-speaking (Northern) and France (to the South) by language, there is a clear demarcation line. Brussels is located in the zone of the Dutch, but the official language, the use of both languages. In most languages, FranceBrussels is the location of many important international organizations. Major agencies of the European Union and the European Commission is the authorities 2 (European Commission) and the European Council (Council of the European Union) with headquarters in Brussels. In addition to this, Brussels is also the location of NATO (NATO). Make many countries have embassies in Brussels, through normal Embassy is 3 of each country. The Embassy of the European Union and the Embassy of NATO.
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