The Help ต่างมีคุณค่าอย่างยิ่ง เพราะมนุษย์เรายังขาดความรัก ความเข้าใจ ความเท่าเทียม ยังมีบางคนที่เห็นคนอื่นไม่เป็นคน และยังมีความเหลื่อมล้ำ ไม่เป็นธรรมในสังคม
The foreign Help especially valuable, because we love the lack of human understanding equity. There are also some people who see others not as people, and also with inequality. No fairness in society.
The Help are extremely valuable. As humans, we still lack a love and understanding of equality. There are still some people who see each other as people. And also the disparity Not just society
The Help are extremely valuable because we humans also lack of love and understanding, equality, also somebody to see others are not, and also the inequality. Unfair treatment in society.