คำสั่งซื้อเหล่านี้ ฉันพบว่ามันผิด shipping mark ซึ่งจริงๆ MADE IN THAILAND แต่มันเป็น MADE IN JAPAN and กรุณาตรวจสอบ order date, delivery ฉันว่ามันผิดสำหรับ order date, delivery. ดังนั้น กรุณาตรวจสอบอีกครั้ง
These orders. I find that it's shipping mark, which really made in thailand but it was made in japan and please check the order date, delivery I think it's wrong for the order date, delivery. So. Please check again.
These orders I found that it was actually MADE IN THAILAND, mark shipping, but it is MADE IN JAPAN and order delivery date, please check that it was wrong for me order date, delivery. so please check again.
I found that these Order shipping mark it's wrong, but it really is a MADE MADE IN THAILAND IN JAPAN please check and order date, delivery I think it was wrong for Order Date, delivery. so please check again.