1. If A and B are similar. Content qualitatively and I really like
- conveys the meaning of the term web blog weblog (or blog) is a web-based space for writing where all the writing and editing of information is managed through a web browser and is immediately. and publicly Available on the
internet. (Godwin, 2003) There are a Range of potential Applications of Blogging Technology in Education and Training including for student and Teachter.
- How to use a Web blog to stimulate out of Class discussion.
A blog Can be an. Ideal Space for Preclass or Post Class discussion. And What students write About in the
blog Can also be As an Online Portfolio of student written Work.
There is much to be gained from students keeping a Portfolio of their
Work. One example is the ease at. which learners Can Return to previous written and evaluate the Work Progress Made during a Course.To they have help closer Build a Relationship between students in Large Large Classes.Sometimes students in all classes Can Spend the Same year studying with people without Getting to
know them. well. A blog is another tool that can help bring students together.Where to startThere are lots of sites where you can set up a blog for free, but perhaps the best known and one of the most reliable and simple blogging tools to use with students. is Blogger (http://blogger.com). It takes only fifteen minutes from setting up an account to publishing the first post using this valuable tool. The teacher sets up the tutor blog or a class blog. With a Class blog, students. will need to be invited to participate by email. Learner blog accounts can either be set up beforehand by the teacher, or done at the same time with a whole class in a computer room. The former gives the teacher more control of student accounts, but. Some advantages of the latter is that learners are given More Choice (of Username, Design of the blog, etc) and a Greater Sense of 'Ownership' of their New Virtual Space Writing.
-This Thesis encompasses Five Parts. The First Part is an. Introduction. The Second Part is the general Observation About webblog in Education. The third Part focuses on the effectiveness of using blog for English language Writing. The Fourth Part in
this Thesis describes the Reflections with Blogs for English language Learning. the Fifth Part is the. conclusion.
2. An important step in preparing the data
3. Select the type of information
4. For example, reference data
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