How to grow rice or rice in divided into 3 following the method
.How to grow rice or rice in divided into 3 following the method
.The rice. Rice planting on upland no waterlogging in cultivated area. The type of rice, called "rice" upland area mostly, such as mountains, often without the level is high low, cannot plough the soil preparationLike the plains. Therefore, the farmer often grow rice drops by first cut the grass and trees, small. Then clean the area to grow the main wood end, acute soil into the holes.After the drops of rice seeds. How to use landfill soil hole When it rains or when the seed to get moisture from the soil. Seeds will germinate and grow on rice. Because of no water in upland, and there are no irrigation.Area of rice dry and lack of water immediately at the end of the season, so the rice, so the varieties with age. The plant in the early rainy season to harvest in the end of the rainy season. So the rice farmers must be persistent. Removal.Because the upland often weeds over bog. Area of rice in dribs and planted in the northern and Southern The northeast and central rice very little
.The transplanted rice or called, transplanting, which means the plant is divided into two part. At first, including the reed fatigue in small and when the second means including seedling and soil in นาผืนท withdrawal embroidery is big, so planting transplanting may call Indirect Seeding.Good soil than rice. The plowing Okada plowing variable. And the normal plowing and rake on transplanted tend to use force in cattle. Or mini tractor called tractor or ไถย followed.Each plot 1 farm size or smaller. The levee is intended to retain water. Let wastewater from paddy field. Transplanted is water force in the field for some time!Plowing's means to the car for the first time to destroy the weeds in the field, and the reversal of soil and left ไว้ประมาณ 1 week. The engagement, which means the pruning with plowing uncontrollably. Plow plow variable may be more than one at a time.When the engagement, and the harrow immediately. The rad is a rad took to weed out of the farmland. Adjust level and that is flat even. With an area of rice levels. The plains are shakes the water had equally.The application of seedling transplanting is pulled up from the converter and bound together as a bundle. To root out the mud salad and were transplanted in the area, that are prepared, if high seedling much it cut the leaves.5-10 cm, because rice may be the wind that fold down when the field is no water trapped. If the water level in deep rice transplanting may drown at the first period and rice to stretch the than normal until the tillering.And the distance between the clump enough
.Sowing rake deleted or incorporation farmers are the living will and the engagement. Then the seeds are not specific to tumor sowed immediately, rake or plow to cover the seeds ที่หว่าน down again due to dirt. Seeds moisture already to start.The set of seedlings will set better sowing foppish, because the seeds sown has been buried in the ground ลึกลง
.Sowing water mud Sowing this popular in areas around 3-5 cm and waterlogging paddy is a big piece about 1-2 acres ridge is a block of transform soil preparation as preparation. The soil for transplanted which ploughed Okada engagement.From the ground and then left field soil, precipitation and that Sai The seed germination test and sow and issued audit test stove Seeds will grow on rice and rice growth, etc. Normal sowing this popular do.
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