ChemistryAlum or alum (English: The LAM) is the chemical compound potassium aluminum sulfate haidaret United (potassium a LAM), KAl (SO4) chemical formula that the H 2 O or 2.12 refers to a group of compounds in the formula AB (SO4) 2.12 H 2 O, which is referred to as alum.To use.• Using swing alum in the water storage pond, so that impurities settling.• Can be used to get rid of the smell the odor, especially under the arm band is 100% and up to 24 hours, and can be used to get rid of the smell of feet.• Make food crispy pickled vegetables used to Pickle is to provide a framework.• Help brighten paprika stored for several days by soaking in water, paprika Orange substance, while the muscular. Before eating, wash the peppers first.• Allowing rice grain porcelain by using water-chilled alum swing in rice, then soak it in water to soak a few minutes, change a new. Steaming time rice seed is pretty.• Alum is a compound used in making dyes, since there are compounds of aluminum ion. Can a complex compounds with the formula, the chemical structure of colors and fibers of plants. Make colors stick fibre darker color better.• The quantity of aluminium in water with safe quantities consumed, which according to the Health Ministry issue 135 (2534 (1991)) water in the container story sealed. Require no more than 0.2 mg/aluminium water intake 1 litre Hello.The dangers of alum• Toxic substances in citrus eaten quite a few The symptoms are nausea, vomiting, headache, but eating a high amount of absorbed a lot, so this symptom occurs.• Toxin caused by SO4 and inhale the dust is often found in alum in the factories which cause asthma.• The water intake is aluminum. The aluminum body to about 3 per cent being absorbed spreads through the blood to the lung system. The liver, bones and brain and was driven out of the body through urine through kidneys which may cause kidney atrophy.• Patients with renal or kidney disease that is at fault. There is a risk of toxic aluminium is higher than normal people, the product is aluminum.• Alum contamination in high quantities of water can cause vomiting, diarrhea, rash occurs, symptoms are blisters in and, most importantly, caused dementia and Alzheimer disease, because the aluminium is a metal that is effective in destroying the nervous tissue.Category.• Potassium a Lam Lam or thaeta or the potassium aluminium sulfate.• Sodium acetic Lam David Lam or a sodium solution or aluminum sulfate.• Ammonium sulfate or ammonium มอะ Lam มอะลูมิเนียม• Code of a chromium (III) Lam or potassium sulfate.• Aluminium sulphate or alum bleachProperties of alum1. There is no color and smell. For those who like to use perfumes, because there will be no smell of perfume or interfere with the use of langklin is deducted.2. not smudged clothes because there is no mixture of cream and oil.3. ปลอดภัยต่อร่างกาย คือไม่อุดตันรูขุมขน ไม่ซึมเข้าร่างกาย เพราะสารส้มทำให้เกิดประจุลบ จึงไม่สามารถผ่านผนังเซลล์ได้ ไม่เป็นพิษต่อสิ่งแวดล้อมและไม่ทำลายโอโซน4. ไม่เสื่อมสภาพ มีความคงทนต่อสภาพแวดล้อม จึงไม่เสื่อมสภาวะที่อุณหภูมิห้อง ด่างทับทิม มีชื่อทางเคมีว่า โพแทสเซียมเปอร์แมงกาเนต (KMnO4) มีลักษณะเป็นผลึกสีม่วง ใช้ในการแช่ผักหรือผลไม้เพื่อชะล้างสารเคมี เป็นสารประกอบประเภทเกลือ มีฤทธิ์เป็นเบสอ่อนๆ
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