Yes, I agree that countries should be used as part of the industrial policy than because future needs of developing countries. In all sectors and to stimulate the increase of industry for the management of industrial development. In the modern world, it has expanded to match the needs of customers and the industry. After that the market, which have appeared in various international agreements will open the Thailand international trade as one of the Asian countries to open trade with other differences in the field of agriculture and tourism. Most of the revenue comes from exports and tourism, which will see the country faced in exporting the problem (not included in standard), Politics and economy of the gross domestic product (GDP) of Thailand will be reduced due to the decrease of the foreigners and fewer exports. Problems with competition and the competitiveness of the country's financial liberalization Thailand. Trade and investment, making international competition. In addition to the cost of production that makes a Thailand can compete with foreign countries. It also contains important issues of policy and economic stability. Politics and society of the country. While the current situation, the competitiveness of the country in which the reduced sample. The cause of the labour costs increase as a result, the country has to improve the quality of products, higher standards of government agencies is a significant lack of coordination and the idea of external agencies that are involved in the policy to the check box.The Government is committed to roptibat, because the policy is not responsible for, any other Government. Government policy in practice, particularly policies that benefit themselves and the lack of cooperation between the Organization of practical problems, which included country, the Government is committed to the mission memory. The Government's role is to. Maintain public support for the industry and the country's economic growth potential.
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