The party organizer project enrolled in a biology grade 4 found that some students achievement in plant cells is low. The problems occurring can be caused by 1) teaching pattern 2) lack of instructional media, modern and efficient. 3) students have basic knowledge is not enough 4) content hard and many feel bored in class.The survey of the Ministry of science and technology about technology Augmented Reality (AR) used in the teaching. It was found that the teachers and students have the same opinion is that promote the education AR have ข้อดีแตกต่าง media from other media, the obvious. Is work out a picture can show 3 dimensions. To see more clearly. Create interest for lessons.So the party organizer was interested to bring AR technology used in solving the above. Instructional technology and has developed through AR-CODE presented in the form of both picture and sound. Which will make the student"s interest, understand the lesson content and learning activities in the new.
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