2. Materials and methods
2.1. Materials and apparatus
Six kinds of edible oils including corn, oil (CO), sunflower oil. (SFO), rapeseed oil (RO), peanut oil (PO), soybean oil (SBO) and sesame oil (SO), were bought from Trust-Mart supermarket. In, Chengdu China. A UV - Vis spectrophotometer (UV-2100 Beijing Rayleigh, Co, Ltd, China) was employed for spectral measurement.A thermostatic magnetic stirrer (DF-101S Yuhua Instrument, Co, Ltd, China) was used to heat oil samples. A micro vortex. Apparatus (WH-2 Shanghai Huxi, Analytical Instrument Factory Co, Ltd, China) and a 0.0001 g precision electronic balance. " (AR2140 Sartorius, Co. Ltd, Germany) were used. All the chemicals and reagents used were of analytical grade.
2.2. Sample. Preparation
.Aliquots (50) mL) of edible oils (CO SFO RO,,,,, PO SBO SO) were placed in a round bottom flask and heated at 180 ° C (Gonzaga. " & Pasquini 2006), using the thermostatic magnetic stirrer for 20 40), min 1 3,,,, 5 7 and 10), h respectively. For each kind. Of oil 64 samples, were obtained including 1 unheated sample,,7 heated samples and 56 mixed samples prepared by mixing accurate amounts (4 digit significant figures after the decimal. Point) of each kind of oil and its heated oils of different heating time in proportions of 5% 10% 20% 30%,,,,,,, 40% 50% 60% 70% (w / W),. Respectively and shaking, vigorously using the vortex apparatus to ensure complete homogenization.
2.3.Determination of AV of unmixed samples
Determination of AV of unmixed samples was carried out according to the standard. Method described in Method for analysis of hygienic standard of edible oils of the People 's Republic of China (Ministry. Of Health of the People 's Republic of China and Standardization Administration of the People' s Republic, of China 2003).The AV of mixed samples was calculated based on the proportion of unheated oils to heated oils.
2.4. Spectral acquisition
The. Spectra of samples were measured in a 1) cm path length quartz cell by the UV - Vis spectrometer against an, empty, quartz cell. In the region of 320 - 800) nm. Both the original spectral data and the first derivative spectral data of each sample were. Recorded.Each sample was measured three times and the average of them was used as the data of this sample in the next calculation. Process.
2.5. Model building and evaluation
.Principle component regression (PCR) and partial least squares regression (PLS) are powerful multivariate statistical tools. That have been successfully and widely applied to the quantitative analysis of spectral data (Hemmateenejad Akhond & Samari,,,, 2007). PCR can compress high-dimensional data into a lower-dimensional space thus,,Making data more comprehensible by extracting useful information with a minimal loss of information. The PCR may be outlined. As follows: (1) spectral matrix X is decomposed into score matrix T (referring to the principal component) and load matrix. P by PCA in order to eliminate useless noise information; (2) use the front f score vectors of T to form a new, matrix TfWhich contains most information of the original variables; (3) perform multi linear regression (MLR) by using concentration. Matrix Y and Tf to obtain the PCR model. PLS is also a linear algorithm for modeling the relation between two datasets. Zheng, & Lu 2011), in which not only the spectral matrix X but also the concentration matrix Y are decomposed to reduce. Useless noise information.That is the biggest difference between PLS and PCR. More details about PLS were described in the paper written, by Mehmood. ,, Liland Snipen and S æ B ø (2012).
The 64 samples of each kind of oil were split into a calibration set (n "=" 48) and a prediction. Set (n "=" 16) with the principle of uniform distribution of AV. PLS and PCR were used to establish calibration models.Model optimization was carried out in three aspects: optimum wavelength selection spectral-pretreatment and, outlier exclusion.? All the data processing was implemented via the Unscrambler ver 9.7 (CAMO, PROCESS AS Oslo Norway), and MATLAB 7.0 (The. ,, Math Works Natick USA).
.The performance of each model was evaluated by determination coefficient (R2) and root mean square error (RMSE), of calibration. Cross-validation, and prediction respectively. Generally a good, model should have high values of R2 and low values of, RMSE. R2 and RMSE were calculated as follows:
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where and Yi are the calculated and measured. Acid values of, sample IRespectively. Represents the mean of all the measured acid values and N is the number of samples in a calibration set or. A prediction set.
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