Example 5.2. (Example 1.1 Revisited) Let C, A1,..., A5 be as in Example 1.1. Taking αi, 1 i 5
to be the ith entry of the max eigenvector of C, normalised so that α1 = 1, we apply Theorem 5.2 to
compute Pareto optimal solutions in the set D by minimising the weighted sum
Example 5.2. (Example 1.1 Revisited) Let C, A1,..., A5 be as in Example 1.1. Taking αi, 1 i 5to be the ith entry of the max eigenvector of C, normalised so that α1 = 1, we apply Theorem 5.2 tocompute Pareto optimal solutions in the set D by minimising the weighted sum
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

Example 5.2. (Example 1.1 Revisited) Let C, A1, ..., A5 be as in Example 1.1. Taking Αi, 1 I 5
to be the ith Entry of the Max eigenvector of C, normalized so that Α1 = 1, we apply Theorem 5.2 to
Compute Pareto Optimal Solutions in the SET D? by minimising the weighted sum
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

Example 5.2. (Example 1.1 Revisited), Let C A1,..., A5 be as in Example 1.1. Taking, α I 1 I 5
to be the ith entry of the. Max eigenvector of C normalised so, that α 1 = 1 we apply, Theorem 5.2 to
compute Pareto optimal solutions in the set D . By minimising the weighted sum
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..