To Change A projector for Children have made experience and good memories, we are all people from conception until the end of the project the project. It is an activity that provides benefits to society from a small group of people, we have to use all the knowledge that we are doing something good, a remote rural village. Experience the ideas we receive. Occurred since the project began, we brainstorm ideas to solve the problems and obstacles that arise throughout the. When we got to the actual location. We see the life of people in rural areas from the capital that we are very much far away? To see these things, what many of us coached ayang and started the first step in running an obstacle. occurs, whether it's travel, transport, time management, responsibility must be more and more difficult to us to work. Everything that is said to back variants are immune, we experience the world outside and using our professional home school to society, including new knowledge derived from this work.
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