Conservation of natural resources and the environment can be done in several ways, both direct and indirect, as follows: 1. conservation of the environment by operating a direct human level it is important that international organizations and. 1) using sample savings is to use as much as is necessary so that the resources are used for a long time and the benefits are worth the most. 2) to reused again Some things to has been used once, and then can be reused again, such as a paper or plastic bag can be used by any process, such as paper and then go to the barn to make cardboard, etc., which is to reduce resource consumption and environmental destruction. 3) repair restoration Some things when used for long periods of time may cause corruption. Therefore, if the restoration repair can extend life to continue. 4) treatment and rehabilitation are methods that will help reduce resource degradation through therapy before, such as waste water from households or industrial plants, etc. Prior to release into the public water source. The reconstruction is to resurrect it reinstated, such as planting mangroves in order to restore the balance of the mangrove forest, fertile back etc. 5) use the substitute something else as a way to help is to use less natural resources and destroying the environment, such as using fabric instead of plastic bags, using banana instead of foam. Sun power instead of mineral fuel. Using biological fertilizers instead of chemical fertilizer, etc. 6) surveillance and protection as a means to prevent natural resources and environmental destruction, such as surveillance, dropping rubbish sewage canals down the River to make a protective forest fire etc. 2. environmental conservation indirectly can be done in several ways. As follows: 1) development of quality people. Charged with supporting the natural resource conservation education and environment, based on the principle. This can be done at all levels in the school system, age, and educational institutions, and other school systems, through the mass media so that the public was aware of the importance and the need for conservation. Cause love and cherish and seriously cooperate 2) using social and legal measures to establish community-based groups, Community Association for the preservation of natural resources and the environment, as well as cooperation in the energy body. Mind power The power of ideas with the consciousness of the value of the environment and resources towards ourselves, such as the conservation group natural resources and environment of students. Students In schools and educational institutions, foundations, wildlife and plant protection of the kind of Thai. Legacy Foundation Na Ka stabilized. The Green World Foundation, etc. 3) encouraging local residents have participated in the same help conservation, care leave. Do not let degenerate to useful life in their local area. Coordination in order to create understanding and awareness between the agencies of the State. Local governments to people, have a role to protect. Refresh resource use and maximum benefit 4) promoting education, research, technology development, and find ways to use in dealing with natural resources and environment, optimization of the use of information technology and management plan development. Development of equipment, tools, supplies, with more energy-efficient. Research methods of management. Improving development efficiency and environmental sustainability, etc. 5) policy and guidelines of the Government. In conservation and environmental development in both the short and long term as well as to the authorities and Government officials concerned upheld and implemented, including the publication of news on the conservation of natural resources and environment, both direct and indirect.
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