dark green leafy vegetables such as kale cabbage family Cucurbitaceae vegetables sweet vegetables, yellow and orange colors. Such as pumpkin and carrots will be a source of food is inexpensive vehicle color, high color, inexpensive vehicle, this can be changed to Vitamin A helps to enhance disease Michigan State UniversityRespiratory and digestive system and also help prevent the spread of disease, blind eyes at night or straw color. For inexpensive vehicle, especially high oleic canola oil, inexpensive vehicle that is in dark green leafy vegetables, yellow vegetables, and that the orange, I believe.In addition to vegetables and also as a food source, but it also has Vitamin A food sources of vitamin C, in addition to the prevention of disease with blood in his teeth, and also help to prevent a cold and now find that it's easy.You can help prevent the disease, and therefore, that the vegetable consumption regularly will help to control cholesterol levels in the blood, and helps prevent heart disease because blood is blocked. But there will be the vitamins, it also has a mineral.In particular, magnesium Butterfish is a mechanism related to the level of sodium, blood circulation and the smooth operation of the muscles and the iron is in dark green leafy vegetables, will help to create red blood cells.
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