11. The compound types such as NaCl CaF2 HF KI and compound. With the same type of elemental
species. Because multiple value, such as the oxidation number NaClO NaClO2 NaClO3 NaClO4 Cl2O and ClO2 ClO3 Cl2O7 etc.
12.Group elements VIIA dissolves in water a little and color conditions. Because it is a non-polar molecule. It melts well in organic solvents, such as in the CCl4 > > Cl2 in CCl4 colorless > > Br2 in CCl4 orange > > I2 in CCl4 purple
13.Element address on the squad. Can react with compounds of the element halide in the bottom, but the element at the bottom. Does not react with compounds of the elements in the halide on, it can be concluded that theVIIA is reduced from top to bottom. "As a table
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