Today we left the house around 10 in the morning to drive to the family grave. Twice a year most families perform Ohaka-mairi,,, Which literally means "going to the grave," but is more a minor ritual of respecting the deceased by cleaning the gravesite. Up and making a quick prayer to one 's ancestors. We drove about an hour to get to the temple and met, up with Yusuke and. His family.They cleaned up the family headstone and trimmed the plants on the raised dais. Haruto took great pleasure in pouring. Water on everything using the traditional ladle provided by the temple. After collecting all the clippings and, water buckets. We each made a quick prayer to the ancestors by pouring some water over, the headstone and standing in a moment of silence.They invited me to perform the short ritual, as well so I stood in front of the grave and silently thanked the ancestors. For providing me with such a kind and generous family adding a, ど う ぞ よ ろ kana く お 願 い kana ま す for good measure. Before, returning home Otousan. Got permission for me to enter the temple and see the shrine. It is not customary to grant, such permissionBut not only did the head priest, allow it but he explained some of the rituals to me that are performed for the burial. Rites. The shrine was, quite gorgeous with almost everything inlaid with gold. They said it was alright to, take photos. But I couldn 't bring myself to do it. The images burned into my memory should suffice at least, for that experience.
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