The theory about satisfaction. Kotler and Armstrong (2002) reported that the man's behaviour to occur there must be incentives (motive) or pressure (drive) is a propulsion needs pressure until enough to motivate human behaviour has occurred, in order to meet their own needs. Where an individual's needs are not the same. Certain requirements are in biology (biological) Caused by tense, such as hunger or difficulty, some are psychological requirements (psychological) is caused by the requirement to accept (recognition) praised (esteem), or ownership of, property, (belonging) most of the demand may not be enough to motivate people to act in time. The requirements to become an incentive When you get enough stimulation until it caused tension. By the theory that the most popular There are 2 theories is Abraham Maslow's theory and the theory of sikman froi. 1. the theory of Maslow's motivation (Maslow motivation theory). Abraham Maslow (A.H.Maslow) to find a way to explain why people are being pushed by certain requirements at the time. Why, it's a tremendous time and energy devoted to the safety of their own, but a return to do them. In order to gain respect from other people honored Maslow's answer is that human needs are in order from the most to the pressure minimum. The theory of Maslow. ordering requirements, as it is. 1.1 physical needs (physiological needs) is a basic requirement is that the food. Air medicine 1.2 safety requirements (safety needs) are over. To survive, it needs to safety from harm.1.3 social needs (social needs) are required to accept from a friend.1.4 requirements for recognition (esteem needs) are more private. Best regards,And social status.1.5 needs to succeed (self – actualization needs) is a requirement.The maximum of the individual. Needs to do everything. People are trying to create a satisfying the most important needs first before when the requirements have been satisfied, It needs to be out and urged people to try to create satisfaction, with the most important requirements. For example, the starving people (bodily needs) will ignore the latest piece of art work (demand) or by someone else, or do not want to even pure air (security), but when the requirements have been satisfied, it will have in due course.
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