For the impression it is the teachers college Hat school khoioprom teach both knowledge and way of life, love and attention as consultants.And the cute เพี่อนๆ eat happy laughing together every day with homework, help make the school together with several restaurants to choose from, but usually only live 2-3 restaurant regulations of the school is quite strict on some matters, but most of the children were often break the rules if the teacher was discussing ...Are you a teacher? Some teachers were glad. Good but some people very very intimate niap UM some people ... only the most. There is no reason why the same but LOL some people here complain loud bad keen to put some emotion, some students were primarily teachers, everyone surely hopes to all students in the activity. This school activity was quite a fun activity, but it has worked well so far, but there are issues where duek that teachers do not like over there, but they do understand that this may be because of the inappropriate. But so does any other yom here na. Every time, it is very glad because I don't need to study it, and some of us LOL activities must work together with harmony as the sport's best academic school this school is already tight, with its renowned body of knowledge until the children had headaches, but it means some times would worth the headache because it is what we need on a daily basis and take exams to gain admission into a University.
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