The school is affiliated with the school of Government forces, the Government of the former school. Extraordinary Education Department. Teacher training school is located in high street, no. 176, bangchak, Phra Nakhon province district prasarnmitr (is srinakharinwirot University, Sukhumvit SOI 23, Sukhumvit Road, klongtan Nua, Wattana, Bangkok) zip code 10110 by Ministry of education into the following copy July 3 2495 (1952)Education MinistryElection schools With the Ministry of education to determine appropriate procurement open to teaching school at the area. Teacher training high school road, Phra khanong, Phra Nakhon province district prasarnmitr, extraordinary high school opened up at the local it since academic year onward, 2495 name this school as a "school", and use the abbreviation friendly coordination, according to the school's "s/s" Announced July 3 2495 (Signed) M. how Jonathan prom The Minister of education This first day of school, when there are 2 buildings after a July 1 2495 class 1 building after students attend secondary school number 64 and 1 shelf. Each year, respectively. Teacher training high school coordinated 2497 (1954) friends get high teacher training school, except as a College of education prasarnmitr College of Education Act school based coordinated change as a friendly high school demo. College of education prasarnmitr Get wot said m. 2508 (1965) budgeted construction school building at the same time, after completed in 5 2509 (1966) 2509 (1966) Ministry of education approved the demonstration, high school is a high school composition "of Bangkok. How many different academic subjects according to the needs of the participants. Participants have the opportunity to select the school that meets your prefer. And satisfaction. The result of the study "combined school", the Ministry of education organized interests turned to the composition of all secondary schools in Bangkok (at school, Sam College) and the other nearly 50 provinces hotel is nearly 10 years of experimental method has changed big time secondary education system is a high Buddhist studies 2521 (1978) January 15, 1974, the Council of Ministers as a University College of education. Sri นคริน thonwi and published in the Government Gazette, when the rot, so June 28, 1974. The school boasts a demonstration high school demonstration srinakharinwirot University. Use a short name that m. มศว., based on the short name of the University and takes the form of a University seal coat of the school. July 16, 1991, executives srinakharinwirot University announced include prathomsathit school, srinakharinwirot University, secondary and coordinate demonstration srinakharinwirot University demonstration school prasarnmitr srinakharinwirot University prasarnmitr. May 30, 1995 Executive srinakharinwirot University? School management, a separate demonstration srinakharinwirot University's high school friend and Coordination Division, is Director of elementary laboratory school srinakharinwirot University (High School Division), and friendly coordination Director. Demonstration school, srinakharinwirot University (Elementary Department) is friendly and coordinated administration for each school.2539 (1996) College budgeted for building 8 floor space 16, function 0. Square meters of construction budget 140 million. It is money that has been appropriated from the budget Office, 110 million, and the school, find another 30 million to charity. October 8, 1996 by organizing donation when King David Temple, Phra tha Phu SA hair. Bangkok is the Chairman for donation and in building this multi purpose building, demolishing existing after 3 after 3, building 4 and building the hospital building. When the building was completed after this function will need to demolish the building to improve the condition of the Phu 1 Miss architecture, beautiful shady employers.2544 (2001) suda Rattana Thep Kingdom of Siam Royal Royal Highness came in 8-storey multi-purpose building which in turn is from the contest by alumni and current students academic building "and" display pathoktha wirot "education of the disadvantaged" at the library. When November 12, 2011Hotel thonglor ceremony 2545 (2002) Buddha School "Phra phuttha mongkhon supporting aphiwat" and the Buddhist ruler. Wat prayun wongsa suan Wah Abbot Temple relic that has been granted from the bishopric's hair and eyes when picking ceremony July 3, 2002.2548 (2005) budgeted from the school budget is the budget 125.95 million. To create innovative technologies and building practices to learn is a 4 storey L front there is the back-9 class school everything continue to demolish the building and training of physical education out. The construction ended in December the total value of all building 2550 (2007) about 174 million.2551 (2008) school has been granted a new building extension from his Majesty with a book from the Office of the General Secretary of the Royal Palace, the name of "honor building 80 years to December 5, 2007" with the symbol work in honor to celebrate the sacred Phra Maha-chonmopronsa December 5, 2007, when 80 years to April 18, 2008. 2553 (2010) schools international courses demo (High School Division) มศว prasarnmitr. Teach students the year 8-13 (Year 8-13) in which the teaching of the IGCSE curriculum is used in England.2554 (2011) school opened children's Development Center, potentiality that has special needs. In this first year high school students last year 1 number 10 people enrolled in conjunction with regular students and students in some subjects, according to each person's potential. This project, which will be the template for other schools who have students with special needs in school.
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