Symptoms of plant diseases means out of the ordinary. Because of physiological processes such as photosynthesis. Some of the cells Transporting water and food crop being hampered or destroyed by continuing disease and certain factors in the environment. Symptoms unusual plants Maybe it's the leaves, flowers, stems or roots shape and size, the results are usually small differences Fall leaves may have a wound or burn the leaves turn brown root rot, rot, rot, either early or dry, dead trees
can be seen that bacteria (pathogen. ) is not a disease but is the only cause of the disease. In the case of insect larvae that eat the leaves. That does not mean that a plant disease. The worm does not affect the physiological processes of plants directly continuously. But the case of red mite, thrips or mites suck sap, making a total distortion kink. The physiological changes constantly. May attract insects that cause plant diseases. However, Insects often been excluded from being called as a direct cause of the disease. A special study group called entomology, plant diseases, although the insects are associated with profound way. The insect-borne diseases to plants. Therefore, the study of insects, plant diseases, often as a science, coupled with
the occurrence of plant diseases. Plant disease will occur must have the three main crops (host plant) pathogens (pathogens), including mold (fungus, pl. = Fungi), bacteria (Bacteria) virus (virus) nematodes (nematode) My cattle. plasma or plasma light (Mycoplasma or Phytoplasma), which can progress to cause symptoms of the disease. And a suitable environment Climate is moderate And a reasonable period The germ of this means, but the germs that cause diseases to plants only. There is also a plant disease caused by the dead, a plant disease that has infected. (Non-infectious diseases), such as the lack of fertilizer. Deficiency of some micronutrients. Or a dividing element reaches excessive. The soil is acidic or too alkaline. Weather is hot or cold, humidity and light, as well as too little oxygen deficiency. Pollution All resulting in abnormal plant growth. This does not include the pathogens that caused disease and insects. Animals and humans
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