Creativity and Innovation in Entrepreneurship – A Brief Assessment  Cr การแปล - Creativity and Innovation in Entrepreneurship – A Brief Assessment  Cr แอฟริกา วิธีการพูด

Creativity and Innovation in Entrep

Creativity and Innovation in Entrepreneurship – A Brief Assessment

Creativity is marked by the ability to create, bring into existence, to invent into a new form, to produce through imaginative skill, to make and to bring into existence some thing new which is the main task of entrepreneurs. Creativity and innovation are considered to be inseparable from entrepreneurship, which is in turn manifested in the act of starting up and running an enterprise. People become more creative when they feel motivated primarily by the interest, satisfaction, and challenge of the situation and not by external pressures; the passion and interest – a person’s internal desire to do something unique o show-case himself or herself ; the person’s sense of challenge, or a drive to crack a problem that no one else has been able to solve. Creative entrepreneurs possess high levels of energy and great degrees of perseverance and inauguration, which combined with a willingness to take moderate, calculated risk, enable them to transform what began as a very simple ill-defined idea or hobby into something concrete. This study explores ways in which start-up entrepreneurs are creative and innovative. Data was collected by means of a combination of in-depth interviews and telephone questionnaires with entrepreneurs who started up an enterprise in Chennai between January to December 2012. Result of this research revealed that there is a high level of creativity and innovation are reflected in their production, service and innovative way of delivering the product. Innovation is the successful development of competitive edge and as such, is the key to push entrepreneurship.
Keywords : Entrepreneurship, Creativity, Innovation, SME, Start-ups

Creativity is the ability to make or otherwise bring into existences something new, whether a new solution to a problem, a new method or device, or a new artistic object or from. Innovation is defined as adding something new to an existing product or process. All innovation begins with creative ideas. Creativity is the starting point for innovation. Innovation is the implantation of creative inspiration
Entrepreneurs have been described as people who have the ability to see and evaluate business opportunities, gather the necessary resources to take advantage of them and initiate appropriate action to ensure success. When the entrepreneurs are creative in their ideas and making innovation, they are doing their business successfully. In the global scenario, innovation and creativity acts as a platform for the organization to compete and sustain in the market.
Entrepreneurship is therefore a key priority area with the potential to stimulate job and wealth creation in an innovative and independent way. With the aforesaid we delve into find out the relationship between creativity and success of entrepreneurship. The following objectives are fixed for this research.

• To find the relationship between creativity and success of the entrepreneurs
• To analyse the level of Innovation and stability in business.

Research Methodology
This study explores way in which start-up entrepreneurs in Chennai are creative and innovative. The data was collected through TNSME. Totally 1340 entrepreneurs who are registered between Jan 2012 to December 2012 were taken for the study. Out of which only 150 samples are taken for the analysis. With the help of SPSS 17 software the analysis were done. To find out the relationship between success and creativity chi Square and Correlation analysis was used.
From the above table the p value shows 0.78 which is more than 0.05 so we accept null hypothesis that there is no relationship between age and creativity. Further from the cross table that the entrepreneurs who are more than 40 years had a low mean of creativity but the age group of entrepreneurs who falls under the category of age (31-35 years) had high mean of creativity. It is evidenced from the analysis than the middle age entrepreneurs are more creative in their business compared to others.
It is understood from the above chi square analysis that the value shows 0.271 which is more than the p value of 0.05 so we accept null hypothesis that there is no relationship between gender and creativity. In the globalized era, both men and women had competing with each other in every aspect of the business in order to reach the goal.
From the above analysis, It is proved that education doesn’t have any relationship with creativity. As the chi-square value is more than 0.05, there is no relationship between them. It is also observed while interviewing with the entrepreneurs some of them who are at the school level and some who did not get the opportunity to go to school were also successfully leading their business venture using their creativity.
The above table clarifies that there is a moderate relationship between creativity and success. Having creative ideas alone cannot lead to success in the business. But also creativity plays an important role for the success of the business. Because by knowing the needs of the customer the entrepreneurs who implement some of the creativeness in their product can succeed their business.

Objective1 : To find the relationship between creativity and success of the entrepreneurs
• It has been found from the above analysis that there is a positive relationship between creativity and success.
• More number of young entrepreneurs who are running their business successfully through innovative ideas.
Objective 2 : To analyse the level of Innovation and stability in business.
• There is a high degree correlation found between innovation and stability in business which has been proved through analysis.
• By innovating new ideas, products according to the expectations of the customers, the entrepreneurs have long-lasting business stability in the market.
Entrepreneurs creativity impacts throughout the lifetime of the entrepreneur, and not just during the span of the business. Although there are undoubtedly a number of extrinsic motivational factors which affect attitudes towards creativity, entrepreneurial creativity is largely driven by intrinsic dimensions concerning the tasks being performed in the enterprise.
Creativity has been viewed as the construction of ideas or products which are new and potentially useful. Though it is more powerful instrument to succeed in the business every entrepreneurs should take initiatives to innovate new ideas like Mr. Arul Raj who has been interviewed while collecting the data. He is the success entrepreneur in Chennai running Organic shop. He mentioned during the interview that due to the innovative ideas in the products and good relationship with the customers make him success in the business. Therefore, Entrepreneurial activity depends on the process of innovation following creativity, not on creativity alone.

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ผลลัพธ์ (แอฟริกา) 1: [สำเนา]
Kreatiwiteit en innovasie in Entrepreneurskap - 'n kort evaluering Kreatiwiteit word gekenmerk deur die vermoë om te skep, bring in die bestaan, uit te vind in 'n nuwe vorm, op te lewer deur verbeeldingryke vaardigheid, om te maak en te bring in die bestaan ​​'n ding New wat die belangrikste taak. van entrepreneurs. Kreatiwiteit en innovasie word beskou as onafskeidbaar van entrepreneurskap, wat op sy beurt gemanifesteer in die wet van die begin en hardloop 'n onderneming wees. Mense raak meer kreatief wanneer hulle gemotiveerd voel hoofsaaklik deur die rente, tevredenheid, en die uitdaging van die situasie en nie deur eksterne druk; die passie en belangstelling - 'n persoon se innerlike begeerte unieke o show-case iets te doen self nie; die persoon se gevoel van uitdaging, of 'n ry 'n probleem dat niemand anders in staat was om op te los om te kraak. Kreatiewe entrepreneurs besit hoë vlakke van energie en 'n groot mate van volharding en inhuldiging, wat saam met 'n bereidwilligheid gematigde, berekende risiko te neem, hulle in staat stel om te transformeer wat begin het as 'n baie eenvoudige swak gedefinieerde idee of stokperdjie in iets beton. Hierdie studie ondersoek maniere waarop start-up entrepreneurs is kreatief en innoverend. Data is ingesamel deur middel van 'n kombinasie van in-diepte onderhoude en telefoon vraelyste met entrepreneurs wat in Chennai begin van 'n onderneming tussen Januarie-Desember 2012. resultaat van hierdie navorsing aan die lig gebring dat daar 'n hoë vlak van kreatiwiteit en innovasie word weerspieël in hul. produksie, diens en innoverende manier van lewering van die produk. Innovasie is die suksesvolle ontwikkeling van mededingende voordeel en as sodanig, is die sleutel om entrepreneurskap te stoot. Keywords: Entrepreneurskap, kreatiwiteit, innovering, SME, start-ups Inleiding Kreatiwiteit is die vermoë om te maak of anders bring in existences iets nuuts, of 'n nuwe. oplossing vir 'n probleem, 'n nuwe metode of toestel, of 'n nuwe artistieke voorwerp of uit. Innovasie word gedefinieer as iets nuuts aan 'n bestaande produk of proses te voeg. Alle innovasie begin met kreatiewe idees. Kreatiwiteit is die beginpunt vir innovasie. Innovasie is die inplanting van Inspirasie Creative Entrepreneurs is beskryf as mense wat reeds die vermoë om te sien en sakegeleenthede te evalueer, versamel nodige Die voordeel van Resources te Neem Aksie sukses te verseker hulle en inisieer gepas. Wanneer die entrepreneurs is kreatief in hul idees en die maak van innovasie, doen hulle hul besigheid suksesvol. In die globale scenario, innovasie en kreatiwiteit dien as 'n platform vir die organisasie om te kompeteer in die mark en onderhou. Daarom Entrepreneurskap is 'n belangrike prioriteit Area met die potensiaal om rykdom en werkskepping te stimuleer in 'n innoverende wyse en onafhanklik. Met die voorgenoemde ons delf in uit te vind die verhouding tussen kreatiwiteit en die sukses van entrepreneurskap. Die volgende doelwitte is vasgestel vir hierdie navorsing. Doelwitte • te vind die verhouding tussen kreatiwiteit en die sukses van die entrepreneurs • Om Ontleed die vlak van innovering en stabiliteit in die besigheid. Navorsingsmetodologie Hierdie studie ondersoek Way in wat begin-up Entrepreneurs in Chennai is kreatief. en innoverende. Die data is ingesamel deur middel van TNSME. Heeltemal 1340 entrepreneurs wat geregistreer is tussen Januarie 2012 tot Desember 2012 is geneem vir die studie. Uit waarvan slegs 150 monsters geneem word vir die analise. Met die hulp van SPSS 17 sagteware die analise is gedoen. Uit te vind die verhouding tussen sukses en Kreatiwiteit Chi Square en korrelasie-analise is gebruik. Inferensie van die bogenoemde tabel toon die P waarde 0.78 wat meer as twaalf 05:00 So aanvaar ons nulhipotese dat daar is geen verband tussen ouderdom en kreatiwiteit. Verder van die kruis tafel dat die entrepreneurs wat meer as 40 jaar het 'n lae gemiddelde van kreatiwiteit maar die ouderdomsgroep van entrepreneurs wat onder die kategorie van ouderdom (31-35 jaar) val het hoë gemiddelde van kreatiwiteit. Dit blyk uit die analise as die middeljarige Entrepreneurs is meer Creative in hul besigheid in vergelyking met ander. afleiding Dit word verstaan ​​van die bogenoemde Chi kwadraat analise dat die waarde Programme 0,271 wat meer is as die P waarde van 00:05 So aanvaar ons nulhipotese. dat daar geen verhouding tussen geslag en kreatiwiteit. In die geglobaliseerde Era, het beide mans en vroue met mekaar in elke aspek van die besigheid meeding Ten einde die doel. Te bereik Inferensie van die bogenoemde analise, is dit bewys dat nie enige Verhoudings Onderwys met Kreatiwiteit. As die chi-square waarde is meer as 0.05, is daar geen verhouding tussen hulle. Dit is ook waargeneem terwyl onderhoude met die entrepreneurs sommige van hulle wat op skoolvlak en 'n paar wat nie die geleentheid kry om skool toe te gaan, is ook suksesvol Leading hul sake-onderneming met behulp van hul kreatiwiteit. Die tabel hierbo verduidelik dat daar 'n matige. verhouding tussen kreatiwiteit en sukses. Met kreatiewe idees alleen kan nie lei tot sukses in die besigheid. Maar ook kreatiwiteit speel 'n belangrike rol vir die sukses van die besigheid. Want deur die wete dat die behoeftes van die kliënt Die entrepreneurs wat IMPLEMENTEER sommige van die kreatiwiteit in hul produk kan hul besigheid te slaag. Bevindinge objective1: te vind die verhouding tussen kreatiwiteit en die sukses van die entrepreneurs • is daar gevind van die bogenoemde ontleding dat daar is. 'n positiewe verhouding tussen kreatiwiteit en sukses. • Meer aantal jong entrepreneurs wat loop van hul besigheid suksesvol deur middel van innoverende idees. Doelwit 2:. Om Ontleed die vlak van innovering en stabiliteit in die besigheid • Daar is 'n hoë graad korrelasie gevind tussen Innovasie en stabiliteit. in besigheid wat is bewys deur analise. • Deur innoverende nuwe idees, produkte volgens die verwagtinge van die kliënte, die entrepreneurs langdurige besigheid stabiliteit in die mark. Gevolgtrekking Entrepreneurs Creativity impak regdeur die leeftyd van die entrepreneur, en nie net. gedurende die span van die besigheid. Hoewel daar is ongetwyfeld 'n aantal van ekstrinsieke motiverende faktore wat Houdings teenoor Kreatiwiteit, entrepreneurskreatiwiteit word grootliks gedryf deur intrinsieke dimensies met betrekking tot die take wat uitgevoer word in die onderneming. Kreatiwiteit is beskou as die konstruksie van Idees of produkte wat is nuut en potensieel nuttig. . Al is dit meer kragtige instrument om te slaag in die besigheid elke entrepreneurs moet inisiatiewe neem om nuwe idees soos mnr Arul Raj wat reeds ondervra terwyl die invordering van die data te verfris. Hy is die sukses entrepreneur in Chennai hardloop Organiese winkel. Hy het genoem tydens die onderhoud dat as gevolg van die innoverende idees in die produkte en 'n goeie verhouding met die kliënte hom sukses in die besigheid. Daarom, Entrepreneuriese aktiwiteite hang af van die proses van innovasie volgende kreatiwiteit, nie op kreatiwiteit alleen.

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