I've dreamed since childhood said, "he wants to be an actor" because the actor is a freelance job, panache was money
but over time, when my idea of it. I decided to study the language because I like to learn English
.The language is necessary. If we are good, we would be able to work in any number of careers. I love of freedom and love travelling around various places, so I would like to become a tour guide. I like it because it is a professional tour guide profession who have the freedom to work without sitting in the Office. I like this profession because it is a profession that has toured various places with customer service, too. I like meet people
I like to visit new places and experience new
.This profession requires a variety of languages, the language in which this occupation must have very many common properties such as good words must be used so that the customer's confidence in us, that we are able to provide knowledge about where they are taking him to. That in the future, no one can tell you that we will be able to make a career? To make the learning profession?
.But this is the tour guide profession in my dream and I'm going to make my career dream to become a professional in the future. This is why, as said I want to be a tour guide
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