THE BUDDHAFROM BIRTH TO RENUNCIATIONA unique being , an extraordinary  การแปล - THE BUDDHAFROM BIRTH TO RENUNCIATIONA unique being , an extraordinary  อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด


A unique being , an extraordinary man arises in this word for the benefit of the many, for the happiness of the many, out of compassion for the word,for the good,benefit,and happiness of gods and men.Who is this unique being?It is the Tathagata,the Exalted Fully Enlightened One.
on the full moon day of May, in the year 623 B.C. there was born in the Lumpini Park, at Kapilavatthu, on the Indian borders of present Napal, a noble prince who was destined to be the greatest religious teacher of the world.
His father was King Suddhodana of aristocratic Sakya clan and his mother was Queen Maha Maya. At the beloved mother died seven days after his birth , Maha Pajapati Gotami, her younger sister , who was also married to the King, adopted the child, entrusting her own son, Nanda, to the care of nurses.
Great were the rejoicing of the people over the birth of this illustrious prince. An ascetic of hight spiritual attainments, named Asita, also known as Kaladevala, was particularly pleased to hear this happy news , babe. The King, who felt honoured by his unexpected visit, carried the child up to him in order to make the child pay him due reverence, but,to the surprise of all, the child’s legs turned and rested on the matted locks of the ascetic. Instantly,the ascetic rose from his seat and foresseeing with his supernomal vision the child’s future greatness ,saluted him with clasped hands. The royal father did likewise.
The great ascetic smiled at first and then was sad. Questioned regarding his mingled feelings, he answered that he smiled because the prince would eventually become a Buddha,an Enilghtened One, and he was sad because he would not be able to benefit by the superior wisdom of the Enlightened One owing to his prior death and rebirth in a formless plane(arupaloka)
Naming Ceremony
On the fifth day after the prince’s birth he was named Siddhatta which means “wish fulfilled”. His family name was Gotama.
In accordance with the ancient Indian custom may learned bramins were invited to the palace for the naming ceremony.Amongst them there were eight distinguished men. Examining the characteristic marks of the child, seven of them raised two fingers each,indicative of two alternative possibllities,and said that he would either become a universal monarch or a Buddha.But the youngest ,Kondanna, who excelled others in wisdom , noticing the hair on the forhead turned to right , raised only one finger and convincingly declared that the prince would definitely retire from the world and become buddha.
Floughing Festival
A very remarkable incident took place in his childhood. It was an unprecedented spiritual experience which, later, during his search after truth , served as a key to his enlightenment.
To promote agriculture, the king arranged for ploughing festival. It was indeed a festival occasion for all, as both nobles and commoners decked in their best attire , participated in the ceremony. On the appointed day, the King,accompanied by his courtiers , went to the field , taking with him the young prince together with the nurses . Placing the child on a screened and canopied couch under the cool shade of a solitary rose-apple tree to be watched by the nurses, the King participated in the ploughing festival.When the fastival was at its height of gaiety the nurses to stole away from the prince’s presence to catch a glimpse of wonderful spectacle.
In striking contrast to the mirth and marriment of the festival it was all clam and quiet under the rose-apple tree.All the conditions conducive to quiet meditation being there, the pensive child,young in years but old in wisdom,sat cross-legged and seized the opportunity to commence that all-important practice of intent concentration on the breath-on exhalations and inhalations –which gained for him then and there that one-pointedness of mind known as samadhi and he thus developed the first jhana (ecstasy).The child’s nurses,who had abandoned their precious charge to enjoy themslves at the festival,suddenly realizing thire duty, hurried to the spot and,seeing the child in meditative posture,saluted him ,saying –this,dear child,is my second obeisance.
As a royal child,Prince Siddhattha must have received an education that that became a prince although no details are given about it. As a scion of the warrior class he received special training in the art of warfare.
Married Life
At the early age of sixteen,he married his beautiful consin Princess Yasodhara who was of equal age .For nearly thirteen years, after his happy marriage,he led a luxurious life,blissfully ignorant of the vicissitudes of life outside the palace gates. Of his luxurious life as prince, he states:
I was delicate,excessively delicate. In my father’s dwelling three lotus-pound were made purposely for me .Blue lotuses bloomed in one,red in another,and white in another . I used no sandal-wood that was not of Kasi.My turban,tunic,dress and cloak were all from Kasi.
Night and day a white parasol was held over me so that I might not be touched by heat or cold,dust, leaves or dew.
There were three palaces built for me-one for the cold season,one for the hot season, and one for the rainy season.During the four rainy month,I lived in the palace for the rainy season without ever coming down from it, entertained all the while by female musicians. Just as, in the houses of others, food from the husks of rice together with sour gruel is given to the slaves and workmen ,even so , in my father’s dwelling,food with rice and meat was given to the slaves and workmen.
With the march of time, truth gradually dawned upon him.His contemplative nature and boundless compassion did not permit him.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
A unique being , an extraordinary man arises in this word for the benefit of the many, for the happiness of the many, out of compassion for the word,for the good,benefit,and happiness of gods and men.Who is this unique being?It is the Tathagata,the Exalted Fully Enlightened One.
on the full moon day of May, in the year 623 B.C. there was born in the Lumpini Park, at Kapilavatthu, on the Indian borders of present Napal, a noble prince who was destined to be the greatest religious teacher of the world.
His father was King Suddhodana of aristocratic Sakya clan and his mother was Queen Maha Maya. At the beloved mother died seven days after his birth , Maha Pajapati Gotami, her younger sister , who was also married to the King, adopted the child, entrusting her own son, Nanda, to the care of nurses.
Great were the rejoicing of the people over the birth of this illustrious prince. An ascetic of hight spiritual attainments, named Asita, also known as Kaladevala, was particularly pleased to hear this happy news , babe. The King, who felt honoured by his unexpected visit, carried the child up to him in order to make the child pay him due reverence, but,to the surprise of all, the child's legs turned and rested on the matted locks of the ascetic. Instantly,the ascetic rose from his seat and foresseeing with his supernomal vision the child's future greatness ,saluted him with clasped hands. The royal father did likewise.
The great ascetic smiled at first and then was sad. Questioned regarding his mingled feelings, he answered that he smiled because the prince would eventually become a Buddha,an Enilghtened One, and he was sad because he would not be able to benefit by the superior wisdom of the Enlightened One owing to his prior death and rebirth in a formless plane(arupaloka)
Naming Ceremony
On the fifth day after the prince's birth he was named Siddhatta which means "wish fulfilled". His family name was Gotama.
In accordance with the ancient Indian custom may learned bramins were invited to the palace for the naming ceremony.Amongst them there were eight distinguished men. Examining the characteristic marks of the child, seven of them raised two fingers each,indicative of two alternative possibllities,and said that he would either become a universal monarch or a Buddha.But the youngest ,Kondanna, who excelled others in wisdom , noticing the hair on the forhead turned to right , raised only one finger and convincingly declared that the prince would definitely retire from the world and become buddha.
Floughing Festival
A very remarkable incident took place in his childhood. It was an unprecedented spiritual experience which, later, during his search after truth , served as a key to his enlightenment.
To promote agriculture, the king arranged for ploughing festival. It was indeed a festival occasion for all, as both nobles and commoners decked in their best attire , participated in the ceremony. On the appointed day, the King,accompanied by his courtiers , went to the field , taking with him the young prince together with the nurses . Placing the child on a screened and canopied couch under the cool shade of a solitary rose-apple tree to be watched by the nurses, the King participated in the ploughing festival.When the fastival was at its height of gaiety the nurses to stole away from the prince's presence to catch a glimpse of wonderful spectacle.
In striking contrast to the mirth and marriment of the festival it was all clam and quiet under the rose-apple tree.All the conditions conducive to quiet meditation being there, the pensive child,young in years but old in wisdom,sat cross-legged and seized the opportunity to commence that all-important practice of intent concentration on the breath-on exhalations and inhalations –which gained for him then and there that one-pointedness of mind known as samadhi and he thus developed the first jhana (ecstasy).The child's nurses,who had abandoned their precious charge to enjoy themslves at the festival,suddenly realizing thire duty, hurried to the spot and,seeing the child in meditative posture,saluted him ,saying –this,dear child,is my second obeisance.
As a royal child,Prince Siddhattha must have received an education that that became a prince although no details are given about it. As a scion of the warrior class he received special training in the art of warfare.
Married Life
At the early age of sixteen,he married his beautiful consin Princess Yasodhara who was of equal age .For nearly thirteen years, after his happy marriage,he led a luxurious life,blissfully ignorant of the vicissitudes of life outside the palace gates. Of his luxurious life as prince, he states:
I was delicate,excessively delicate. In my father's dwelling three lotus-pound were made purposely for me .Blue lotuses bloomed in one,red in another,and white in another . I used no sandal-wood that was not of Kasi.My turban,tunic,dress and cloak were all from Kasi.
Night and day a white parasol was held over me so that I might not be touched by heat or cold,dust, leaves or dew.
There were three palaces built for me-one for the cold season,one for the hot season, and one for the rainy season.During the four rainy month,I lived in the palace for the rainy season without ever coming down from it, entertained all the while by female musicians. Just as, in the houses of others, food from the husks of rice together with sour gruel is given to the slaves and workmen ,even so , in my father's dwelling,food with rice and meat was given to the slaves and workmen.
With the march of time, truth gradually dawned upon him.His contemplative nature and boundless compassion did not permit him.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
FROM BIRTH TO Renunciation
A Unique being, an Extraordinary MAN arises in this Word for The Benefit of The Many, for The Happiness of The Many, out of Compassion for The Word, for The good, Benefit, and Happiness of gods and Men. . Who is this Unique being? It is The Tathagata, The Exalted Fully Enlightened One.
on The full moon Day of May, in The year 623 BC there was Born in The Lumpini Park, at Kapilavatthu, on The Indian borders of Present Napal. , A Noble Prince Who was destined to be The Greatest religious teacher of The World.
His Father was King Suddhodana of aristocratic Sakya clan and his Mother was Queen Maha Maya. The Beloved Seven Days After Mother died at his birth, Maha Pajapati Gotami, her Younger Sister, Who was also Married to The King, The Child adopted, entrusting her Own Son, Nanda, to The Care of Nurses.
were The Rejoicing of The Great people over the birth of this illustrious prince. An ascetic of hight spiritual attainments, named Asita, also known as Kaladevala, was particularly pleased to hear this happy news, babe. The King, who felt honoured by his unexpected visit, carried the child up to him in order to make the child pay him due reverence, but, to the surprise of all, the child's legs turned and rested on the matted locks of the ascetic. Instantly, the ascetic rose from his seat and foresseeing with his supernomal vision the child's future greatness, saluted him with clasped hands. The Royal Father Likewise did.
The great ascetic smiled at First and then was Sad. Questioned regarding his mingled feelings, he answered that he smiled because the prince would eventually become a Buddha, an Enilghtened One, and he was sad because he would not be able to benefit by the superior wisdom of the Enlightened One owing to his prior death and. Rebirth in A Formless Plane (Arupaloka).
Naming Ceremony
On The Fifth Day After The Prince's birth He was Named Siddhatta which means "wish fulfilled". Family His name was Gotama.
In accordance with The Ancient Indian Custom may Bramins learned were invited to The Palace for The Ceremony.Amongst naming them there were distinguished Eight Men. Examining the characteristic marks of the child, seven of them raised two fingers each, indicative of two alternative possibllities, and said that he would either become a universal monarch or a Buddha.But the youngest, Kondanna, who excelled others in wisdom, noticing the. Hair on The forhead turned to right, raised only One Finger and convincingly declared that The Prince would definitely retire from The World and become Buddha.
Floughing Festival
A very Remarkable Incident took Place in his CHILDHOOD. It was an unprecedented spiritual experience which, later, during his search Truth After, served as A Key to his Enlightenment.
To Promote Agriculture, The King arranged for plowing Festival. It was indeed a festival occasion for all, as both nobles and commoners decked in their best attire, participated in the ceremony. On the appointed day, the King, accompanied by his courtiers, went to the field, taking with him the young prince together with the nurses. Placing the child on a screened and canopied couch under the cool shade of a solitary rose-apple tree to be watched by the nurses, the King participated in the ploughing festival.When the fastival was at its height of gaiety the nurses to stole away from. The Prince's Presence to Catch A Glimpse of wonderful spectacle.
In striking Contrast to The Marriment of Mirth and The Clam Festival and it was all quiet under The Rose-Apple Tree.All The Conditions conducive to quiet Meditation being there, The Pensive Child, Young. in years but old in wisdom, sat cross-legged and seized the opportunity to commence that all-important practice of intent concentration on the breath-on exhalations and inhalations-which gained for him then and there that one-pointedness of mind known as samadhi. and he thus developed the first jhana (ecstasy). The child's nurses, who had abandoned their precious charge to enjoy themslves at the festival, suddenly realizing thire duty, hurried to the spot and, seeing the child in meditative posture, saluted him, saying. -this, Dear Child, is My second obeisance.
As A Royal Child, Prince Siddhattha must have Received an Education that became that although no details are given A Prince About it. As A Scion of The Warrior Class He Received Special Training in The Art of Warfare.
Married Life
At The Early Age of Sixteen, He Married his beautiful Consin Princess Yasodhara Who was of equal Age. For nearly Thirteen years, After his Happy Marriage, He. led a luxurious life, blissfully ignorant of the vicissitudes of life outside the palace gates. Of his Luxurious Life as Prince, He States:.
I was Delicate, Delicate excessively. In my father's dwelling three lotus-pound were made ​​purposely for me. Blue lotuses bloomed in one, red in another, and white in another. I used no-Sandal Wood that was Not of Kasi.My turban, tunic, Dress and cloak were all from Kasi.
Night and Day A White Parasol was Held over Me so that I Might Not be touched by Heat or Cold, dust, Leaves. or Dew.
There were Three palaces built for Me-One for The Cold Season, The hot Season for One, and One for The Rainy Season.During The Four Rainy month, I lived in The Palace for The Rainy Season Down without ever coming from. it, entertained all the while by female musicians. Just as, in The Houses of others, food from The husks of Rice Together with Sour Gruel is given to The slaves and Workmen, Even so, in My Father's dwelling, food with Rice and Meat was given to The slaves and Workmen.
With The march of time, truth gradually dawned upon him.His contemplative nature and boundless compassion did not permit him.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
A, unique being an extraordinary man arises in this word for the benefit of the. Many for the, happiness of, the many out of compassion for the word for, the, good benefit and happiness, of gods and men.Who. Is this unique being? It is the Tathagata the Exalted, Fully Enlightened One.

on BIRTH the full moon day, of May in the year 623 B.C.There was born in the, Lumpini Park at Kapilavatthu on the, Indian borders of, present Napal a noble prince who was destined. To be the greatest religious teacher of the world.
His father was King Suddhodana of aristocratic Sakya clan and his mother. Was Queen Maha Maya. At the beloved mother died seven days after his birth Maha Pajapati, Gotami her younger sister,,Who was also married to the King adopted child, the, her own, entrusting son Nanda to the, care of nurses.
Great were. The rejoicing of the people over the birth of this illustrious prince. An ascetic of hight, spiritual attainments named. Asita also known, as Kaladevala was particularly, pleased to hear this, happy news babe. The King who felt, honoured by. His, unexpected visitCarried the child up to him in order to make the child pay him, due reverence but to the, surprise, of all the child s. ' Legs turned and rested on the matted locks of the ascetic. Instantly the ascetic, rose from his seat and foresseeing with. His Supernomal vision the child ', s future greatness saluted him with clasped hands. The Royal father did likewise.
.The great ascetic smiled at first and then was sad. Questioned regarding his mingled feelings he answered, that he smiled. Because the prince would eventually become, a Buddha an Enilghtened One and he, was sad because he would not be able to benefit. By the superior wisdom of the Enlightened One owing to his prior death and rebirth in a formless plane (arupaloka)
Naming. Ceremony
.On the fifth day after the prince 's birth he was named Siddhatta which means "wish fulfilled". His family name was Gotama.
. In accordance with the ancient Indian custom may learned Bramins were invited to the palace for the naming ceremony. Amongst. Them there were eight distinguished men. Examining the characteristic marks of the child seven of, them raised two fingers. Each.Indicative of two, alternative possibllities and said that he would either become a universal monarch or a Buddha.But the. ,, youngest Kondanna who excelled others in wisdom noticing the, hair on the forhead turned, to right raised only one finger. And convincingly declared that the prince would definitely retire from the world and become Floughing Festival Buddha.

.A very remarkable incident took place in his childhood. It was an unprecedented spiritual experience which later during,,, His search, after truth served as a key to his enlightenment.
To, promote agriculture the king arranged for ploughing. Festival. It was indeed a festival occasion, for all as both nobles and commoners decked in their, best attire participated. In the ceremony.On the day appointed, King the, by accompanied his courtiers went to, the field taking with, him the young prince together. With the nurses. Placing the child on a screened and canopied couch under the cool shade of a solitary rose - apple tree. To be watched by, the nurses the King participated in the ploughing Festival.When the fastival was at its height of gaiety the nurses to stole away from the prince 's presence to catch a glimpse of. Wonderful spectacle.
In striking contrast to the mirth and marriment of the festival it was all clam and quiet under the. Rose - apple tree. All the conditions conducive to quiet meditation being there the pensive, child young in, years but old in. Wisdom.Sat cross-legged and seized the opportunity to commence that all-important practice of intent concentration on the breath-on. Exhalations and inhalations - which gained for him then and there that one-pointedness of mind known as samadhi and he thus. Developed the first Jhana (ecstasy). The child ', s nurses who had abandoned their precious charge to enjoy themslves at the. Festival.Suddenly realizing, thire duty hurried to the spot and seeing the, child in meditative posture saluted him, saying this dear -,,, Child is my, second obeisance.

As Education a royal child Prince Siddhattha, must have received an education that that became. A prince although no details are given about it. As a scion of the warrior class he received special training in the art. Of Married Life warfare.

.At the early age, of sixteen he married his beautiful consin Princess Yasodhara who was of equal age. For nearly thirteen. Years after his, happy marriage he led, a, luxurious life blissfully ignorant of the vicissitudes of life outside the palace. Gates. Of his luxurious life, as prince he states:
I, was delicate excessively delicate.In my father 's dwelling three lotus-pound were made purposely for me. Blue lotuses bloomed in one red in another and white,,, In another. I used no sandal-wood that was not of, Kasi.My turban tunic dress and, cloak were all from Kasi.
Night and day. A white parasol was held over me so that I might not be touched by heat, or cold dust leaves or, dew.
.There were three palaces built for me-one for the cold season one for, the hot season and one, for the rainy season. During. The four, rainy month I lived in the palace for the rainy season without ever coming down, from it entertained all the while. By female musicians. Just as in the, houses, of others food from the husks of rice together with sour gruel is given to. The slaves, and workmenEven so in my, father ', s dwelling food with rice and meat was given to the slaves and workmen.
With the March, of time. Truth gradually dawned upon him.His contemplative nature and boundless compassion did not permit him.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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