Bowling is a sport of indoor type with a long history more. Where data is collected from various books and Web sites about bowling. In each, there is still information on the history of bowling is that different enough to have read the following summary.From evidence discovered by archaeologists who found in the graves of the children, the people of Egypt. Make believe about 5,200 years before Christ; Egypt is one of the traditional people used rocks to hit the hard core roller klom made with wood, which is similar to bowling but only to play outdoors.At the same time, there has been evidence that the people of Polynesian is a type of game played by the rolling stones to the object which hit klom put away into the distance, which is 60 feet, a distance that is equal to the distance from the foul line to the headpin today.In addition, the relevant evidence about the bowling is. Historians believe that in German the German play bowling, 300 by Gregorian range as part of a religious ritual the players to throw the ball to roll to the church so that walk-in hit target. In order to use it as a chance to solve some. There was clear evidence that the Gregorian range is a popular play bowling 1366 widely in England, but King Edward III who rule the Kingdom in the year 1327-1377 and Gregorian King Richard II who rule the Kingdom in the year 1377-1399; he has seen that both the people and the soldiers did not see the importance of therefore archery out bowling, so that citizens and kotham soldiers turned back to archery interests intact. However, it is back to bowling again in the King Henry VIII.Bowling into the United States. In the 17th century by the Dutch people migrated from Holland into the leadership. The pins used to have all 9 pins, arranged as a triangle and has become extremely popular with. In the year 1840, has started to bring the bowling, indoor sports play each other later in the year 1841 State Connecticut has 9 pin bowling player prohibited absolutely decisive, because it is considered gambling, which is another State, followed by. 9 pin bowling results began to deteriorate popularity down. Since then, there has been a 10-pin bowling, which invented, you can play the same is New York State, for example, in many areas, Ohio and Illinois, but however, the size of the pins and the weight of the ball, there is still a difference.The year 1875, various clubs have been meeting by 11 clubs located in New York State, to define the standard of equipment and kotkatika to sail through, but have not yet defined a standard lane widths and sizes of pins.The change occurred when the owner of the famous Joe Thum ภัตาคาร. representative to coordinate cooperation in various fields, Bowling Club, which caused The American Bowling Congress established (ABC) when the Beethoven Hall in 1895 September 9 New York City, then the standard is defined and the rules so that the same practices, is given the highest score is over 300, the distance between the pins are 12 inches. The year 1905 was the first time that has been producing rubber ball was 16 pounds maximum weight that it is all a lignum vitae ball. The year 1906 opened a factory to produce the Brunswick-Balke-Collender bowling ball made with wood. The year 1917 The Woman International Congress birth City St. Louis.The year 1948 and assigned to be Brunswick dot arrow up in the lane to give greater precision as well as play. The year 1958 was The Professional Bowlers Association was established (PBA) by Eddie Elias.Best in the country, Thailand, bowling has published approximately 2507 (1964) and bowling club was established as Thailand's army led by Lord of sacred martyrs. The aim is to collect athletes bowling. Later changed to bowling clubs of Thailand in 2511 (1968) and registered with the Police Department by the permit is received when used as bowling Association June 28, 1972 the following year 2519 (1976) Thailand as Thailand National Bowling Association using English names that Thailand, the current wording that the Thai Congress Bowling Tenpin Bowling Congress (TTBC) American Bowling Congress (ABC), the books and the books of Charles Hall said the people of Egypt is a type of sport similar to bowling came from. Approximately 5000 years before the Gregorian by using wood as the hard core and used marbles rolling to the naughty toy, klom, according to evidence from the pictures on the people of Egypt in the children's graves.People of Polish natural Asian plays ou la Mai (Ula Maika), by the rolling stones to the target, which is 60 feet from the foul line spacing is equal to one of the bowling pins, now fit.When estimating costs; In Germany With the sport k Gale (Kegal) which is similar to the following to play bowling, Martin (Martin Luther), a favorite among the new body Pro has assigned rate saten 9 pins and widely to various countries in Europe. The British adapted to play on turf Lawn Bowling and still be called a popular memorable until present.
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