เธอไม่สามารถทำงานหนักๆได้เพราะมันจะทำให้เธอเหนื่อย และอาการกำเริบ She can't do anything heavy because She can't do anything heavy because it make her tired and exacerbation
She is unable to work because of heavy, it will make her tired.And symptomsShe can't do anything heavy becauseShe can't do anything heavy because it make her tired and exacerbation
She can not work because it makes her tired and exacerbation She Can not do anything because Heavy She Can not do anything because it Heavy Make Her tired and exacerbation.
You can"t work hard because it makes you tired.And the relapsed.She can "t do anything heavy because.She can "t do anything heavy because it make her tired.And exacerbation.