The history of WAT that Luang monastery Measuring element. Royal Monastery Located in the city center, no. 237 (old house) of Khon Kaen province, Amphoe mueang, Tambon Khon Maha Nikaya monks affiliated with the Royal rat-2332 (1789) by Phra Nakhon SI to keep loyal (bamboo musical instrument city Pan). Khon Kaen is a founder owners built along with the city of Khon Kaen, and have built up as Sajjan relics buried around people, so call this temple Muang Khon Kaen "measure that" has been established as a Royal Monastery. A layer of ordinary type in when there is space for 1 2 Rai of 2521 (1978) territories, as follows:North. Contact with the private land.East. Contact with the public and road SOI 15 bueng Kaen Nakhon.The South dealing with public alleyWestern contact with the road and the private sectors.Fairy tattoo 2335 (1792) position at home she long bamboo musical instrument, Pan City Hotel suvarnabhumi city parents approx. 330 families solicitation were set up for the new House. We have a later called Bon-2340 (1797) King Buddha FA male kite world. There is a Royal command, except as to "Muang Khon Kaen", "tattoo" is a classic first person with Khon Kaen officials called "Phra Nakhon SI to keep" because the ruling-class cities in the Northeast, where natives because Vientiane. When the fairy city, Pan Royal Kingdom to keep their loyalty, or Phra Nakhon SI Muang Khon Kaen have been set up at the temple and began to host more 4 the ancient tradition as Temple since the temple (WAT KET) is a measure for the city officials said. 1. North Temple located on the North of the town, or on the water for the merit of gathering place, the current Abbot is WAT that Luang monastery. 2. The Middle Temple is the center between North temple to temple for a ceremony at the Assembly of the general public. Is the Central Temple. 3. South Temple is located to the South of the city, or South of the river. Is WAT Nong waeng Royal Monastery?4. measure the thakhek For other local monks akhantuka from a Buddhist religious ceremony, and consists of. Is Wat Pho?Measuring element measuring peerages are Abbot parents more than a century. Abbot may have a position as a master teacher, a. Phra khru bishopric God the teacher. Phra khru parties. Phra khru, the amount of glass or glass ball as holy God teacher term positions in the somnasak and many but not able to find the evidence came to confirm. Measure that is even Lord Buddha's relics pagoda Sajjan points, but several elements pagoda, Fund almost entirely until erosion cannot be observed that elements of the original, which is where Phra that city officials Pan have built bamboo musical instrument. There is no visible evidence of any.When 2513 (1970) The Board of Directors of the measure indicated that many of the elements that are included. All have lovely appearance so far was unable to tell whether the original element, the elements which are relics. Therefore, the decision to give Mr. mechanic design creates a new element that covers all elements of the original by creating, and higher than the original in order to maintain the faith and sanctity, and delight, named Phra that Nakhon was originally based on the appearing today. The most popular are measured from the height down to 45 metres.2430 (1887)-2473 Phra khru thatha Buddha roll output Abbot In this era, is a tidy. There are a lot of novice monks. Discipline is the study of the call. Study international treaties. Student name Dear kat chai and information campaign to censure the voice trunks including the indigenous way. Phra khru thatha Abbot is also the output of knowledge the ability to tune the sound beam including a sermon a native. Access to die in the year 2473Phra khru ponyao 2430 (1887)-2483 bubble roll Disciple of the teacher as Abbot thatha output. Later, he ruled it will grow the footprint measuring everything. Monks and novices, and people most respect when there is faith created 2475 (1932) kudi was a bubble for the teachers of the Abbot in the (now fly.) Phra khru ponyao bubble roll is approximately 10 years old Abbot had to leave late Shikha 2483 (1940)Phra khru wiwek 2483 (1940)-2490 Dharma (Buddhist phua Cho) The secret of God's Road, Temple Pier rat chaisi received approval from the monks and other check-must move coming temple that positions. The administrative update. A study of spread and shared widely doikwang as the Foundation of the temple that successor. This is because he is the ruler. Preachers and construction students.พ.ศ. ๒๔๙๐ – ๒๕๕๒ พระธรรมวิสุทธาจารย์ (เหล่ว สุมโน ป.ธ. ๕, พธ.ด.) เป็นเจ้าอาวาส ได้มีการปรับปรุง พัฒนาทั้งด้านการศึกษา การปกครอง การเผยแผ่ และสาธารณูปการเต็มรูปแบบ ซึ่งในอดีตนั้นวัดธาตุมีการจัดการศึกษาเล่าเรียนตามแบบพื้นเมืองโบราณ ถ้าพระภิกษุสามเณรรูปใดสนใจใฝ่ศึกษาจะต้องเดินทางไปศึกษาเล่าเรียนที่กรุงเท ฯ จนกระทั่งสมัยพระครูวิเวกธรรมปฏิบัติ (พั้ว เป็นเจ้าอาวาส ได้วางรากฐานการศึกษาพระปริยัติธรรม แผนกนักธรรม-บาลีขึ้น โดยได้สร้างโรงเรียนพระปริยัติธรรมและจัดหาครูสอนพระปริยัติธรรมจากวัดมหาธาตุ กรุงเทพฯ ๒ รูป คือ พระมหาเหล่ว สุมโน ป.ธ.๕ (พระธรรมวิสุทธาจารย์) และพระมหาพราม จิตฺตเสโน ป.ธ.๖ มาเป็นครูสอนประจำสำนักรุ่นแรก ต่อมาเมื่อถึงสมัยพระธรรมวิสุทธาจารย์ (เหล่ว สุมโน) เป็นเจ้าอาวาส ได้ส่งเสริมและปรับปรุงพัฒนาสำนักเรียนให้เจริญก้าวหน้ามากยิ่งขึ้น โดยแต่ละปีมีพระภิกษุสามเณรเข้าศึกษาและสอบเปรียญธรรมได้เป็นจำนวนมาก มีครูสอนพระปริยัติธรรมที่มีความรู้ความสามารถทำการสอนประจำในอดีต ได้แก่1. Of a House Master kowi Dec 7 lb (sacred gods of methi former Khon Kaen)2. Phra pho mahatongsa wonla Dec 8 (Phra Thep diploma Bachelor diploma Dec 8 si te rang, phot.. Abbot-Primate Khon Kaen) 3. Maha BUA pakhun Thom for several modules P. Dec 8 (former abbot Phra Sophon Michael well WAT SI NUAN-rachot. Khon Kaen)4. Urumqi totmo of the popular Dec 7 lb5. Consequently, prasat Phra khru Buddhist Sutra (Pao tet Thom p. Dec 4 modules).6. Phra khru methi substance utility (mail to ati's Dec 4, tho, adidas sawat WA wu tha Muang Khon Kaen RAM hospital, of the district).7. NET tantayaporn (Phra khru Sri Villa prosper pasu grow. Dec 6 lb, air patrol, observe the current image science, highly ร.ร. wiwek Dharma).2553 (2010) – present Phra Thep (Golden coursework Te wonpha si sa rang pho. Dec 8, phot. p. mo.), adidas officials have WA.
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