General information The official name of the Republic of SingaporeCapital city Singapore697.1 square kilometers of area. The highest peak is Bukit Timah core is the Singapore River and Rochor road and rail link to Singapore with Malaysia Singapore/Johor Causeway at approximately 6 km.A population of 4.2 million people (76% of Malaysian Chinese people of India 8.4% 13.7%, 1.9%, and others) who live together without problems. Racial conflict In addition, Singapore is a country in Asia with a good family planning, population decline and causing a shortage of labor in the future.Official language is Malay, Mandarin, Tamil and English public speaking 2 Singapore to promote the language, especially Mandarin, while English is the language used in the contacts, tasks, and in everyday life.51% of the Buddhist religion Taoist and Confucius 15%, 4%, Muslim 15%, Hindu religions profess Christianity, and the remaining percentage is a cult etc.The Government of the Republic system. There is a head of State, the President and the Prime Minister as head of Government. Each year there is a parliamentary agenda, foreign policy, Singapore 5 focuses on the economy. Technology and investment from abroad.Tropical weather. Rain all year round temperature of 26.8 degrees Celsius. Country map SingaporeCountry map Singapore Climate Singapore's weather is similar to a tropical country, Thailand is. Rain all year round due to the influence and the location of the country.Economy.Singapore is a new industry group, as well as Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea are the main export products of the petroleum machinery products. The majority of imported products, including the power (40% of all imports) and food. In addition, tourism income brought into the country.The society.Singapore residents considered their living standards than other countries, but at the same time, fear in the mind is the fear of failure to fear disadvantage.-Government of Singapore quickly and effectively work with working hours Mon-Fri 08.30-13.00 and 14.00-16.30 p.m. and Saturday. 08.00-13.00 hrs.-Medical services in the countries of Thailand and Singapore to buy expensive medications and antibiotics, the pill danger category must have a doctor's order, but the basic medications can be purchased as a generic drug. Country SingaporeA study in the country, SingaporeSingapore education system in the country.A study ofSingapore education system is one of the countries of the world. The Ministry of education, all schools are controlled directly. Singapore's education system is divided into elementary time 6 years and 4 year high school period and then continued with a higher level, such as poly-tech, Junior College and University to be selected into the school Singapore. Students will need to perform an evaluation by the school admission. Students need English language mathematics exam is a major primary and may have tested the Chinese depend on schools to test students and international students wishing to study in the country, Singapore needs to be broken up to (Donations) to the action shape education of Singapore is S $ 1000 amount every 2 years for this donation is not refundable.Why study in SingaporeCountry Singapore is cheaper in other countries, such as the expense of English learning in America, Australia, and housing values and a ticket to travel, because the country is close to Thailand Singapore, using only 2 hours of flying time, and in addition to the studies in Singapore. Students also learn to appreciate the English language, there are 2 main language and Chinese language, Malay language and Tamil language as a secondary heating.Education, elementary education in Singapore (Primary Schools)The system of education in elementary education at Singapore, it will be split into two ranges are the morning and afternoon. New student admissions are based on the policies of each school. Level 1 – grade 4 (fouryear foundation stage) will focus on studying in English, Chinese (Mandarin), mathematics and actuarial science, or Tamil, art, music, physical education, such as learning in grade 5-6 (orientation stage Two-year) students will be divided into 3 levels as a result of the examination grade 4 is the EM1 EM2 EM3 by description of English and the native language is different, the student will be required to measure at the end of the exam. Grade 6, also known as Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) to measure whether students are required to study in high school for a period of 4 years or 5 years.A study on the secondary level (Secondary School) High school education in Singapore is divided into 2 system and will have a different course. Students will be selected to one system depends on the outcome of PSLE exams each student. A system that takes 4 years to be called Special and Express Courses that will focus on education to prepare students Certificate of General Education Singapore-Cambridge The examination of "Ordinary" (GCE ' O '). End 4-and 5-year system is a Normal Course of instruction is divided into Academic and Technical, and when students finish secondary school year 4 students will need an Inspection Certificate of General Education Singapore-Cambridge "Normal" (GCE ' N ').For students who have a good score can study in secondary school examination. GCE ' 5 year to O ' but for ' test scores are not good GCE N ' unable to study in technical, after ITE students graduated on high school students to study in higher education to the next stage. University preparation (Pre Junior College or University) for students who have passed the GCE ' O ' Level test already and wish to study at a Junior College 2 years time or University preparation course (Pre-university) takes 3 years to prepare for examination. GCE ' A ' Level examination, students will be able to study in a University class, or you can subscribe to various university students around the world for students who do not pass the examination. GCE ' A ' Level students were able to choose poly tech.Poly TECHNIC (Polytechnics).Is the school open.
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