Dream all my life, inventor, astronaut and scientist Dr. Reed Richards, close to the truth, then he is going to lead the team to travel into space, to the center of the storm, cosmic, where the he. hopes to unlock the secrets of the human genetic code for the benefit of humanity. The government's massive budget cuts almost destroyed the hopes of the historic journey of foresight. Until Reed accepted a scholarship from his old college rival, Victor Von Doom, currently a billionaire from the industry. The team of Reed for this mission includes his best friend, astronaut Ben Grimm, Sue Storm, director of research in the genetics of von Doom, and a former boyfriend of Reed and his brother emotions. Super hot Pilot Johnny Storm, with the patronage of Von Doom, the four set out on a journey of exploration of life. The mission is not interesting until Reed discovered to calculate the speed of the storm will come to the crash. Within a few minutes the storm was at gunpoint in front of them, then the station was surrounded by a cloud of cosmic rays, which cause severe genetic changes the whole crew. Their DNA may be changed without change. As well as their future when they return to Earth, the impact of being exposed to radiation were released quickly. Reed has the ability to stretch and turn his body into any shape he can imagine. And as leader of the group, he has been dubbed. Mister Fantastic, Sue can become invisible and create force fields, powerful, and therefore become invisible. Johnny turned into a human torch. He surrounded himself with flames and flying when needed. And Ben, the uncharted his most shocking him into a man of stone color, strong superhuman called the Think When combined, they transform tragedy into a triumph, and turning the Holocaust into a joint force. come together Using a unique and powerful force unrivaled in the defense of their evil plans of Dr. Doom, which has now become the eyes and fists of steel and to protect the citizens of New York to escape from any threat that may arise. Astronaut superhero celebrities in the eyes of the world, they are the Fantastic Four or human psychic four in sight of each other, they are family.
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