This day, to be paid by Friday of such that 4. I woke up at 8.00 pm each got to eat rice with r-Mar restaurant. Chiang Ka resort to thaniya Each time I return home each exercise at 17.00 till 18.00 p.m. each time the sleep bath 21.00 pm.
Today is the last Friday of the Sun 4. I woke up at 8:00 am to get to eat with Arma at Shangarila BTS Wing at home at 17:00 and I exercise to 18.00 per shower each one. bed at 21:00 pm
Today is Friday week at the time of 4 I wake up 8.00. Now have to eat with Alma shop, Chiang การีลา at thaniya. Each time I'll 17.00 home exercise until 18.00. Each bath, went to bed at 21.00.